* Posts by William Andrews

19 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Aug 2008

Prolific hacker releases PlayStation exploit

William Andrews

Linux Intergration...

I see the greatest potential in this exploit being used to give Linux on Ps3 full access. This must happen. Ps3 Ubuntu is significantly limited, or at least less appealing, because of it's lack of complete Cell integration.

This could be the answer!

Microsoft in Bing jingle kiddie vid outrage

William Andrews
Gates Horns


All of these children, these poor children, have been swayed by the populace of Windows users and the puppet masters that control them; they know no better, have not been taught that maybe there are other alternatives? This school advertises "Bing" becomes Microsoft pays them, no other. I sit in sorrow for these children, who sing in ignorance, paying no reverence to that of knowledge and understanding. I spit on the grave of the educators of those children's sincerity and love of knowledge and openness.


Original Xbox kicks bucket

William Andrews
Gates Horns


Glad to get the father of the trash taken of the market!

Dear Obama: Please consider open-source a waste of your time

William Andrews

You suck Ted

Ted, lay off, you're just a total (MS) softie! Stop the BS

Linux rants!

Live it, love it, Oss!

PC firm offers Ultra-Quiet Xbox 360

William Andrews
Gates Horns


Why waste your time on a piece of trash? Get a PS3!

LG officially unveils Arena flagship

William Andrews

Looks familiar

That looks like some Linux desktop effects.........

PlayStation 3 to get 45nm Cell 'mid year'

William Andrews
Gates Horns


Microsoft does not know how to write software, they are a marketing company.........

and throw lousy products on the market!

Look at Xbox (RROD), and other MS products...... Sony is a reliable and promising company, unlike MS.....

PS3 is the best, there is no hardware comparison to the Xbox!

Microsoft Songsmith ad trumps Seinfeld shocker

William Andrews

Ha, Ha!

Why would you even consider a sick ad like that? It's so vile and grotesque!

I guess Microsoft Research made Windows, and all the other crap that's on the

market today!

Xbox 360 NXE fix inbound?

William Andrews
Gates Horns

Ha, Ha!

You guys are hopeless, I don't see how you can vouch for a product like this. It just has so many problems; get a Playstation 3, play it for an hour having somebody explain the more than amazing features, you'll, being put simply, amazed.


MS are pigs!

PS3 rules!

Sony is reliable!

Linux to spend eternity in shadow of 'little blue E'

William Andrews

Linux needs to rule!

I look at my screen, my own little 3D environment, desktop cube, ect. and ect.

All my free applications, that work better or equivalent to Microsoft apps.

In my opinion, those users are not idiots (like that woman), she was just so

oblivious to take the proper steps with something unfamiliar...

MS punts gaming guide for parents

William Andrews
Gates Horns


MS is a bunch of kiss-asses to parents

Analyst predicts console cuts

William Andrews


"A PS3 for $299 with Blu-Ray, Wifi, reliability, great media streaming capabilities, and a monster load of fantastic games heading for it and free online play.

Or for $50 (£25) less, a 360 thats got 2000-era DVD, no Wifi, unreliable, and nothing but a truck load of shovelware in 2009, and a couple of Halo rehashes/cash-ins, and costly recurring online play.

Not hard to see the 360 has had it's day."

Amen, that's the truth, isn't it! PS3 all the way!

Microsoft prods and probes Office 14

William Andrews

Ha Ha....

Be free, Use Linux.

Boffins bust web authentication with game consoles

William Andrews
Thumb Up


"oh, yeas.. the PS3 is the worst of the consoles then?? :p

Id like to see a wii cluster do that!!! or see how many Xbox360's would still be running after being left on longenough to do that!!"

Right on, I think you could try for the world record of RROD's within a 50ft vicinity!

No console can compete with the PS3, technologically speaking

PS3 Home is '2005 tech', says Xbox exec

William Andrews
Gates Horns

To the 360 fanboys

First of all, have any of you played HOME? It's the coolest thing ever, I mean the

graphics are amazing! Take a look at! Just the other day, I called a friend, just like

on a phone, on HOME! If that's 2005 tech, then 360 is 1990.

Cryptic formula hints at Metal Gear Solid 4 on Xbox 360

William Andrews

PS3 power sign

That also looks like a PS3 power sign, without the "off" portion...

Does an imported PS3 need power conversion kit?

William Andrews
Gates Horns

A good idea

It would be a good idea to get the down converter, because you always want every single part of the system getting the right amount of power. Just get a standard UK to US (or visa versa) power converter, it should give the right amount of voltage, considering the PS3 just uses standard US power with your model.

Owner of: 60 gb PS3, PSP

Which is the best Linux for laptops?

William Andrews

OpenSuSE 10.3

OpenSuSE 10.3 is one of the easiest to use Linux Distros ever, try it out.

However 11.0 has some boot loader issues, so stick with 10.3.

William Andrews

OpenSuSE 10.3

OpenSuSE 10.3 is probably one of the most easy to use Linux distros ever,

try it out, however 11.0 has some boot loader issues. So stick with 10.3.