* Posts by Omega Wolf

4 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Aug 2008

Microsoft hits the switch on password-free smartphone authentication

Omega Wolf

Do Android users need to download an app or will the current MS Authenticator app be updated for this?

All major UK ISPs prepping network-level porn 'n' violence filters

Omega Wolf

People will just use OpenDNS to bypass ISP filtering. There is very little ISPs and governments can actually do to stop people from doing what they want, unless they get OpenDNS shut down.

Japan Anonymous aims to fight download law by picking up litter

Omega Wolf

Copyright Infringement Capital Crime

With the way governments react to file sharing, you would think the people doing it were murderers, rapists and carjackers. Why not go after violent criminals and leave the small time vices alone?

Cloud computing: A catchphrase in puberty

Omega Wolf

Cloud computing = ripoff

I never bought into cloud computing for a second. I don't like the idea of all my data being stored remotely and I can only get to it when I'm online. I could maybe see it if I traveled a lot, but I don't.

I think cloud computing will take off like a lead balloon.