Safe harbour?
Dropbox, the company that gave my email address (and many others') to spammers, wants me to trust it with passwords?
643 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Aug 2008
with main
across its services
TransCoder...could help port a project from Python to C++...It may make the code faster and also more maintainable since code written in strongly-typed languages can be easier to understand.
Get real. Anyone who's maintained human-written code will have experienced wanting to shake its author by the throat, because typical source code is of abysmal quality. We're a long way from any machine that will improve on that. So don't ask me to work on TransCode's output, because it will have to do a lot more than change x=2 to int x=2 (even if it gets that right) to compensate for the general mess with which it will likely start and to which it can only add.
As for speed, there has been very little code worth speeding up for the last 40 years or more. The overwhelming problem, then and still now, is how to write clear and reliable source that reflects the requirements accurately. Making code faster is appropriate in niche cases, which most of us need rarely to address.
Incompetent data controllers often claim to be victims of "highly sophisticated" attacks, despite taking security "extremely seriously".
An unkind person might suggest that many don't think much about whether a database is private / don't check incoming messages against buffer sizes / never heard of SQL injection. To them, I suppose, any attack is "highly sophisticated".
...aluminium conductors instead of copper, an innovation developed by Facebook and Alcatel as a way of reducing voltage drop along the very long transmission distances required of submarine cables. More voltage means the ability to keep more fiber pairs lit.
The "very long transmission distances" of optical fibre depend on currents through the cables?
Aluminium conducts better than copper?
"Many eyes" depends on source code written clearly enough that others will read it when there's nothing in it for them. Sadly, very little software (open source or not) rises above the level of "abysmal" in that respect, so most is examined only by the original author or by a few enthusiasts. Where OpenSSL lies in this, I'll leave others to judge.
Oh, let's have more, not fewer, explanations. No real expert will be insulted by seeing his familiar jargon explained to others. It will annoy only those who fear that their mystique will be punctured. I've used GCC, but am not an expert in it, because most of my work is elsewhere. Do I feel embarrassed by this? I do not. I worked in what's now called IT when most GCC users were still soiling their pants, so their attempts to impress me with an array of acronyms will likely fall flat.
IT is now a vast field. Those who believe their recondite portion is the whole need to get out more.
You speak from a time when it was fashionable to think. Now we say "It's all too complicated, so give it to a neural network and we'll move on to something else". Oh, and invent some pretentious term to impress the natives. We measure the battery impedance at two or three different frequencies, so call it "electrochemical impedance spectroscopy".
...the American mega-manufacturer plans to announce that within three months...
I think I preferred history done in retrospect. Now we are expected to gaze in awe upon promises. When someone tells me "This will be epoch-making, game-changing or (your own superlative here), I say "Tell me when it's happened, not when all you have is optimistic talk".