They should re-make it as a comedy, and use Jackie Chan as the FBI agent, acompanied by Chris Tucker as a dumb American cop.
I'd watch that.
5 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Apr 2007
I've found that with my Nvidia GPU, that once the power cord has been pulled out I'm pretty much stuck with low scores until I restart, regardless of my power saving settings.
If I'm in high performance mode when I pull the cord however I keep the high performance until switching power settings to a low one.
Shoddy drivers, I hope you had restarts between your tests..
On the Direct2Dell website, they give precise instructions on how to claim your fixage.
Such as emailing
I would imagine that phone calling wouldn't be as effective, it's not like a low paid tech support cretin is going to be aware of every issue ever to plague a Dell machine ;)