To the AC who starts.....
"Otherwise they could spend time in prison...."
Firstly I'm hardly surprised you chose NOT to give your name away!
Secondly...What a load a of old rambling shite! (just my opinion, build a bridge!)
You start off by saying you hate Nazis etc,(Otherwise they could spend time in prison, given that haulocaust denial and tolerating nazi views is an offence there (as it should be here) (Frankly I feel that holding Nazi views or being a member of a neo nazi group should equal lifetime hard labour or if the labour camps are full......hanging or a bullet....whats ever cheaper.)
But whats all that crap about killing people for their beliefs... and censoring what you think.
Stalin and Hilter come to mind here! Sorry pal, I've got news for you.. looks like you've managed to get in bed with them too!
You are suggesting killing people for what the believe! Hilter did that.. so did Stalin, and Pol-Pot, I can go on!
Freedom of speech is not dependant of Governement... well at least it shouldn't be!
There is a limit. Abu Hamza to use your example, is condoning Murder, and violence. He should be dealt with accordingly. People who rape, pilliage (does this still happen?) or Murder, should be suitibly dealt with.
There is a case for Punishment fits the crime. Serial Killers don't need "help" they need locking up. Mainly for the protection of everyone else.
Rapists the same. whereas Shoplifters and petty criminals can often be helped to be turned back into decent human beings given time. Mostly there crimes are out of necessity, rather than hate, or sexual gratification or whatever.
Basically you need to get a grip of what life is about. I don't pay 90% tax, and I'd be on the front line of a revolution to stop this ever happening. I'd also be there to protest against you ever getting a position of any responsibilty!!
Mines the one with "build a bridge" written on it