* Posts by Matthew Terrell

12 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Aug 2008

IT grad sues school over failed job hunt

Matthew Terrell


She is obviously crap..

I left school at 16, did an MCSE (in NT4) then used that to go and find a job, paid for 3 Cisco Certs, and now I'm a Senior Network Engineer, I'm 27 too...

It's not all about peices of paper from some crappy collage... it's about your performance.. if you are good enough that will shine through, if you are an R-Tard like this bint, then you are doomed for a life of monotany and mediocracy...

Epic Fail love.. Trully Epic.. Good luck in finding a job anywhere now!...

Texting: Good for kids after all?

Matthew Terrell
Paris Hilton



Parish because it's the end of the language as we know it... she would be upset!

Top aero boffin: Green planes will be noisy planes

Matthew Terrell

@ JonB

That's a joke right! Please tell me you where joking..!!

Have you ever been up in a Glider that's been winch launched..??

Calculate the kind of Winch/Steam Catapult you'd need for a 747!!

Matthew Terrell

@ Adam Williamson

Nice Argument.

I'm a Big plan fan... and but flying is awful. I don't EVER do domestic flights and if it's in Europe I go on Holiday by car. (A far more pleasant way to travel.)

The train Idea is good, but it has 1 flaw.


I could get a flight from Bristol Airport to Edinburgh for £50 return. Using Easyjet over Cristmas

On the train it's £223 Using First Late Western travelling peak times, and takes 7 hours. So if I have a meeting to get to, guess which one I'm going to use.

Trains are good but they are expensive, underfunded, badly maintained, and overcrowded. At least on Aircraft you are going to get a seat.

I'd go by train if we have a TGV sorta arrangement... but we don't, and we will never have because no-one is willing to fund it, or put there name it it. Sad but True, Rail had it's day with the Mallard, and Coronation class I'm affraid...

Aircraft are the way forward.

No matter how you look at it. Flying is quicker, cheaper.

Still no doubt, that flying will be banned too, as the NIMBY classes get their way once more. :(

The New Green Aristocracy

Matthew Terrell

@ Matt Eagles

"So that's alright then. If becoming a terrorist is a rational response to carbon trading to Obama "

You mean just like the Green Terrorists do. Chaining them selves to 747's and hijacking trains etc.

So once again, it's OK for the Green Nazis to terrorise and impose by force so wimsickly little fad, but when it comes to fighting back we are told we are Nazi's, Racists, Bigots, Liars, etc. Once again, 1 rule for the Green Nazi's and 1 rule for everyone else.

The problem is that almost everyone is on a side. and they are determined that side will be right.

The study need to be done by a neutral party. This will never happen of course, but nice to think it may.

If this neutral party where to prove 1 way or another, that's good enough for me... I'd go with that.

As it is, we have scientists being basically bribed by a government that want to rake in more money, and has fingers in the pies of "green companies". We have Al-Gore who is a twat... and various other loony bins work "for" the Climate side...(infact all they are doing is driving people from it)

On the other had we have the sceptics who are outnumbered, and are badmouthed by the Green Nazis. How have not much technical resource, and becuase there is not a lot of them they are viewed as nut cases too.

The Energy Companies are going on about it being fine, but they would, as after all it's there gas, coal, oil etc... SO they have a motive... no one will believe them because of it.

SO really there is no hope.

And to whoever Said it.... I know that Science is not a religion.. I was saying that people where ABANDONING Science for Religion/Wacky unproven hypothesises on Creation and Climate change.... not that Science is Religion.

Matthew Terrell

Here we go again....

I love this line from Shakje:

"The majority of scientists DO think climate change is "man-made" (by a pretty large ratio)."

Well that's that then... they must be correct.

Back in 1356, that same majority thought the world was flat.... AND that the Sun went around the Earth... You could be executed for claiming otherwise!

I'm a Denier. No one will EVER convince me it's man made unless it's actually proven. Not by some hippy with a love for daises, or some Green Nazi telling us all how to live, but bu proper environmental study.

Even less by Green Nazis telling the Government to hyke the price up on fuel.

I don't believe they are liars.. I believe they are wrong. As yet no-one has been able to actually prove to me they Climate change is man made.

I'm willing to be swayed.. but prove it first.. I'm not going to jump up and down screaming climate change just because a lot of people thing it's so.

Climate Change is like another religion.. it's running away with people, and the sad thing is no-one is asking any questions.

Sensible self levelling people, for decades have dismissed religion in favour of REAL Science.... now we are dismissing REAL Science in Favour of hysteria, and sadly Religion.

PS. there is no God.. I'm not religious, build a bridge.

Mitsubishi eyes Middle Earth for 'early' electric car roll-out

Matthew Terrell
Paris Hilton

Tesla Roadster... WTF???

Again.. great if your a single women or Male Hairdresser... not much good for the Family....

They just need to make a decent family type car. It's can't be that hard....

I mean we got to the moon on less computing power than a Pocket calculator, yet we can't make a decent size family car that runs on Batteries...

PS. Trains are awful.... Lets face it. Ok for the daily commute shite for anything else.

The bootful of our Car when we go on long road-trips is as follows:

Highchair, Pushchair, Toys (both for the journey, and for my son to play with when he gets there) Baby food, Nappies, clothes 2x Cases of some description, camera, and bady carrying rucksack thing.

You try getting all that on a First late Western Train, then off again onto the tube, to get around London, then back on again the Silverlink Line, or the Kings cross line... common' don't be so daft and get your head out of your ass.

Paris: Becuase she runs on batteries too you know!

Matthew Terrell
Paris Hilton

FAO Neil "I'm not on this planet" Hoskins

I have a Family.. My In-laws live in Lincolnshire, and MY parents live in Bedfordshire. I live and work in Wiltshire.

Yeah lets have a 40MPH Car.. that'll mean that I can spend all week driving to see them, and then all week driving back again.. as it is at 70MPH, it's take the betther part of 4 hours to get to Lincolnshire

I also have a kid, and a lot of stuff to take everytime we go out as a family... I don't want to have to spent 5 hours in the car just to get to somewhere that could be reached in 3 hours. Also Battery cars have to be big family saloon cars with bootspace, and proper seats with aricon, and CD Players... not these cheap little POS they are churning out ATM. Otherwise no-one will be them apart from sniff your own farts types, who are hollier than thou.

I want a Family Saloon car that does 115 MPH, goes the same distance as my current car on 1 charge, and is copfy has room for the family in comparft and is fun to drive... Christ on a stick... Why do you have to be pushed into the realms of "Small and slow is better" .... no Big and Fast is better.... Big, fast and clean is even better than that.

I WILL NOT be buying a Battery car, until a See one that meets mine and my families needs. Otherwise what is the point!?!

Paris: well she has needs too, and people jump over themselves to forfil her needs... don't they??

Neo-Nazi forum hacked

Matthew Terrell

To the AC who starts.....

"Otherwise they could spend time in prison...."

Firstly I'm hardly surprised you chose NOT to give your name away!

Secondly...What a load a of old rambling shite! (just my opinion, build a bridge!)

You start off by saying you hate Nazis etc,(Otherwise they could spend time in prison, given that haulocaust denial and tolerating nazi views is an offence there (as it should be here) (Frankly I feel that holding Nazi views or being a member of a neo nazi group should equal lifetime hard labour or if the labour camps are full......hanging or a bullet....whats ever cheaper.)

But whats all that crap about killing people for their beliefs... and censoring what you think.

Stalin and Hilter come to mind here! Sorry pal, I've got news for you.. looks like you've managed to get in bed with them too!

You are suggesting killing people for what the believe! Hilter did that.. so did Stalin, and Pol-Pot, I can go on!

Freedom of speech is not dependant of Governement... well at least it shouldn't be!

There is a limit. Abu Hamza to use your example, is condoning Murder, and violence. He should be dealt with accordingly. People who rape, pilliage (does this still happen?) or Murder, should be suitibly dealt with.

There is a case for Punishment fits the crime. Serial Killers don't need "help" they need locking up. Mainly for the protection of everyone else.

Rapists the same. whereas Shoplifters and petty criminals can often be helped to be turned back into decent human beings given time. Mostly there crimes are out of necessity, rather than hate, or sexual gratification or whatever.

Basically you need to get a grip of what life is about. I don't pay 90% tax, and I'd be on the front line of a revolution to stop this ever happening. I'd also be there to protest against you ever getting a position of any responsibilty!!

Mines the one with "build a bridge" written on it

Matthew Terrell
Paris Hilton

@ Jullien

Well done sir!

Have a round of applause!

Paris... cos she probably has something to do with "clap"ing

Matthew Terrell


I agree.

Free Speach is just that!

Not Free Speech as long as "the greenie, leftiye, ouyti touti, wishy washy, nambie pambie, how's ya father,dress up in skirts and do the conga, fannying about, far left extremism group" says so!

Both "treehugging leftie anti everything" and Nazism "your dead if your not airian" is wrong.... It's really is time for people to actually take some Moral high ground here, grow some common sense and .... Infact whats wrong with being a little bit left on some issues, and a little bit right on others.

To the parties featured in this story it's only acceptable if you are off the scale at either right or left. Extremism... it's a load of old shit, but again it's just my opinion!

Mine is the one hanging on the fence, blowing to the left and right in the wind of change!!!!

(How cheesy is that!)

A PS3 price reduction? You must be kidding!

Matthew Terrell
Paris Hilton

How much more...???

... How about the moon.... on a stick... yesterday!

Paris, because she should be "on a stick"!