well we better hurry up or the seed ship from alpha centauri camouflaged as comet will colonize mars first
or maybe its just damn bugs sending greetings from klendathu
160 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Aug 2008
thats wrong on so many levels. if you're worried about space madness then you should not send extrovert people in a first place (they wouldn't be married otherwise). what you need is introvert people who are capable of dealing with solitude over extended periods of time. not many are because people are extensively conditioned into socializing right from birth.
yeah because there's no such thing as "breaking point" or "critical mass"
do you know just how huge the permafrost areas are? =siberia (and on top of that, frozen peat bogs contain huge quantities of methane which is 22 times more powerful greenhouse gas than co2, not to mention large carbon pool which represents more carbon than currently exists in all living things and twice as much carbon as exists in the atmosphere)
"Tunneling as the basis for the beginning of a lunar base has to be the only answer, someone said plasma drill? How are you going to power it?"
the beauty of plasma is it has plasma convertor at its basis, and after initial power up needs (which could be provided by a solar reactor) it is self-powered as long as you supply matter for conversion. conversion produces syngas and molten slag, syngas can be used to power gasturbines = power source. basically to self-sustain it needs about a third of energy it can produce.
"A far more sensible approach would be to use a cnc router to carve out your habitats"
or use a plasma drill, which could carve out rooms underground and turn molten matter into fortified walls in one pass. can use excess energy to sustain plasma convertor and have lots of excess energy to power entire base.
"Problem actually IS the population size, as STUPID people tend to be the most active breeders... so it's a spiralling problem: population too big -> more stupid people -> breed more so population bigger -> stupid contingent bigger -> etc. etc."
while it might seem like a catch22, the problem of stupid people can be solved by education, but its slow multigenerational process, if there are no incentives general population tends to be lazy and not interested in education and gaining knowledge. one possibility of incentive would be to shift from materialistic/capitalist/profit democracy towards knowledge/wisdom/intelligence based geniocracy.
"The survival of the human race depends on getting off this rock. Already too many people living here so the more you can ship out the better."
problem is not really with population size, there are too many STUPID people living here. so many resources wasted because of complete stupidity (greed is just one of the facets of STUPID)
"as a consequence, the digital economy today isn't much more advanced than Somalia's real economy"
or perhaps this is the new society, economy, culture and world emerging, and the current failed and broken ones are going the way of dodo, no matter how much big media dinosaurs pay their shills to write otherwise. (how much they pay you?)
full beard was considered a sign of an adulthood because only adult men have beards, neither women nor children do (it was easy to observe and come to this basic common sense conclusion for millennia. lion without its mane is no lion at all but a lioness :))
it was/is pretty universal in all ancient cultures (until the decadent societies arose which promoted effeminate/prepubescent looking males (like the roman by which western culture is influenced)
act of shaving is a subliminal act of demasculinization :)
shaving pubic area = trying to look prepubescent = supporting paedos
was just going to write something similar (but instead of buried i was gonna say recycled), thumbs up :)
and what kind of materials (buildings/machines) would survive ages under such a pressure and heat.
i havent really given a thought on how long it takes satelites/exploration craft like those on mars to disappear/disintegrate completely. i guess much less than 500my
>For real heavy-lifting, why buy the fancy CPUs yourself for intermittent use, when you can rent it by the cycle? (suits some tasks better than others)
i see this as a next logical step too, but as a mainstream service fully replacing pc probably not before 2020. only when the rented cloud/virtual/whatever comes within lets say 75% of current pc hardware capabilities, right now the bandwidth just isn't there (like an average apartment building over here houses like 100 flats, that would mean 100gigs sustained, multiply by blocks and blocks and poof :))
what might save tablets from dodoway is this (you heard it here first :)):
instead of pretending to be a full featured computer they will become an i/o accessory (just like mouse/keyboard/display).
it can still run as an underpowered standalone device but can be paired with full pc as necessary (probably wireless connection)
using "dock station" etc is also a dead end, why do you need useless lump of dead hw when you can have it the other way (tablet being slave to full master pc and not tablet being master to otherwise dead slave dockstation)
i (and a lot of other ppl) wouldn't mind having portable screen with touchability which is connected as an i/o device to my powerful pc at home (like reading a book on it while in bed or taking a bath etc, or on a subway while its connected to master pc using wifi)
why dead end?
-communication ? mobiles, which are no longer phones but portable computers with a/v capabilities
-portable computer? huds/vglasses are on the horizon, paired with hand motion sensors and wifi will kill tablets (i've seen some amazing hud tech, like the guys i think in netherlands made, small one pixel projector built in/clipped onto glasses projecting image directly onto your retinas, now thats some pretty cool tech)
riiiight, lets keep wasting billions on various religious nonsense like it has been done for thousands of years.
after all it delivers its spoiled fruits consistently, being it misery, hatred, bigotry, genocide and other inhuman atrocities. and without fail fulfills every overlords wet dream in decreased cognitive and objective reasoning abilities.
yes thats true, but so many variables are out of our hands
say some kind of lifeform hitches ride during atmospheric lift and it has very fast life cycle, and some mutations later can survive vacuum/temps/radiation and later on reentry bunch of them mutate just the right way to survive martian ecosystem and thrive on eating iron/co2, poof life on mars originating from earth :)
under conditions true to our star system and earth environment this might be true to a certain degree
but under vastly different conditions (binary star system, etc), no magnetosphere or extremely huge one there might be just right conditions for lifeforms based e.g. on silicon, noble gases, etc
and if you let your imagination go a bit, even earth and humans might evolve in a very different way, lets say we hit technological singularity and there's no longer need for biological life forms and we continue to evolve in virtual environment :)
1. you do not pay to go and "colonize" other planets
it's in our (humanity) best interest to colonize as many planets, moons, asteroids, orbital stations etc
as possible.
when you look at the bigger picture, we are very fragile right now and a good number of catastrophes would simply end our species.
2. there has to be an international cooperation to colonize moon and mars asap
build an underground complex instead of naive "domes". (too many benefits of living underground to list)
as a power source use for example multiple small thorium reactors and plasma convertors, sufficient and long lasting energy generator are most important, when you have energy you can produce the rest of necessities.
ability to close off any segment of habitat in case of outbreak, failure, etc
3. do not send people who buy there way in, thats just not smart
you need smart and intelligent people each with multiple skillsets (so there is no single point of failure)
scientists, engineers, etc
definitely no single-skill people like janitors, chefs, lawyers and other lols etc
4. preselected people based on a number of psychological traits, should include ability to work both in team
and alone for extended periods of time, no egotistic, narcissistic personalities, religious people, no addicts of any kind (including smoking, drinking including "socially acceptable" drugs like coffee)
if you're building a new technological colony the last thing you need is personality cults
5. could become a new kind of society unlike the failed ones on earth (which are based on a number of traditional/cultural/social features which promote greed, selfishness, etc)
maybe some form of geniocracy
every colonist has medical diagnostic/monitoring implants
6. do not waste energy on pointless secondary resources like raising animals for food
much smarter to just grow primary food sources using aeroponics
(preferably fruits like tomatos, cucumbers, bananas, strawberries, pears, kiwis, and so on selected to fulfill complete nutrient needs of a human body) - natural and healthy fruitarian diet
i'm not planning to downgrade my primary display from Eizo F931 to some crappy lcd :)
(it can do 160Hz but i'm running 1600x1200-96Hz = smoooooth video playback with mpc-hc)
working in IT i've seen my share of lcd's (hundreds) and none come even close
(compared side by side and the colors on lcds are always horrible)
i dread the day my trusty crt croaks :(
religion is a psychological virus causing mental disorder called religiousness.
it should be classified like any other mental disorders like schizophrenia, etc
and studied, unfortunately this is prevented by people infected by religion
ppl first have to admit they are ill, then it can be treated
think about the symptoms:
-hearing voices - check
-seeing invisible things - check
and so on.
on a side note:
abrahamic religions were created as a tool to control global society using a simple setup:
there is a master religion which controls two slave religions,
these slave religions are then periodically pitted against each other,
for power, resources, abuse, exploitation, ethnic cleansing, genocide, etc
templates for all basic ideas were taken from various older religions ranging from
egyptian, babylonian, cimmerian, hittite, etc
learn and THINK, this is the only way to keep your mind healthy and uninfected.