yes, and frankly i find it bizarre that MS would discourage such practice.
a user has purchased a licence to use the software, and in the event of system corruption or hard drive failure, the user has lost the mean to reinstall the software.
71 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Aug 2008
>>Those customers are generating an average of £24.70 per month for TalkTalk, up from last year
That's because my average bill has gone from £16.50 to £25 without any change in usage.
I suspect the next year may not be so good as customers look elsewhere. TT used to be reasonable value -not any more.
Fedora's support isn't long enough - in a university situation for example, researchers and phd students usually don't want their machine re-kickstarted with a newer version during their 3+ year stay.
Ubuntu LTS and Debian are possibilies and I am considering those all the time (150 or so desktops on Linux running well), yes, but the RHEL situation would have been fine if the v6 release came out 12 months ago. Although i am not happy about the impending changes to ubuntu (unity on desktops)
I don't need bleeding edge afforded by running ubuntu 10.10+PPAs (like i do on my own desktop) but i do want stability+ more recent versions of apps (e.g. texlive has replaced tetex but RHEL still has ancient version of tetex only).
RHEL v5 series went on 1 year too long in my opinion
Desktop users running RHEL/Centos have been struggling with ancient application versions, and in some cases (chrome, etc) - no ability to run the application at all due to glibc versions. Additionally v5 inherited some annoying intel video bugs.
Servers are running happily on v5 but new deployments will get v6 here.
on the tv programme Fake Britain the other day, they did a segment on chip and pin keyloggers. It is rather straightforward to insert a keylogger inline to capture details to remove and download later.
What's worse, it appears that some chip and pin readers are being modded at the factory, before sending to the shops, to include a sim card and device to send details direct to pakistan .
Allegedly found at a major supermarket chain too.
Suddenly i got a bit more nervous about chip and pin.
Is cost not also a factor? My HTC Desire makes iphone owners a little bit jealous even before I tell them that my monthly contract price is half of theirs.
FYI: sense is the theme that HTC use on their android phones. generally makes the home screen look nicer and adds some improved apps by default.
redhat are NOT providing stiff competition in my experience. tried for ages to get RHEV evaluation software and/or academic/realistic quotes.
I suspect they didn't have a product to release.
They lost me when I realised you require active directory to run their management software. I don't care about "coming soon", promises or vapourware, I was in the market to buy a product.
I am now a VMware customer.
i hope google sort out their marketplace, and clear out the smut and at least put some controls on it. i'm an android user and a little nervous (security-wise) about installing apps from there. i generally choose poplular ones, but don't get that nice feeling like when i'm downloading apps from ubuntu's software centre.
maybe google will sort it after there is a massive malware issue due to a rogue app.
had an android phone for only a few weeks and haven't paid for any apps yet. although not to say i won't ever. i'd probably pay for an app if it was cheap enough and useful enough (e.g. locale?). wave secure (remote wipe app) looked a bit too expensive for my liking.
my dad has windows7. i sent him a video file the other day, in some regularly used format avi. he said that he heard the sounds but got kaleidoscopic pictures for the video. windows didn't offer to download a codec or tell him that it was unsupported or anything.
try this in ubuntu and it tries to download the codec you require if it doesn't have it.
most criticism of ubuntu is out-dated and also short sighted - how did you get the right codecs on your windows machine and how did you know they were safe?
linux is probably the most heavily used OS in universities (particularly in science faculties). the larger the network, the better, and far easier to manage than windows domains.
windows is dominant in the office.(although not too long ago, Sun workstations were heavily used on trading floors, even with the high hardware costs of the time)
so what happens between uni and the workplace? is it a desire to use the format everyone else is using (doc, ppt), or decisions made by pointy haired bosses, or fear of being different? or the vendor-installed windows-tax on PCs?
"the difference between Ubuntu and Fedora 13 is just a few social networking apps - which can be easily installed on Fedora or uninstalled on Ubuntu."
sounds like you haven't looked at ubuntu 10.04. the gui is now much more polished than the average Gnome and icons are more consistent. ubuntu software centre has advantages over synaptic including managing your own ppa's. the notification system too is very welcome addition. canonical are beginning to really add value to the stock gnome offering.
i am a tech literate IT bloke and would love a Nokia N900 and mobile internet, but the reality is, with wife and kid to support, i just can't justify an extra £30 a month for the luxury. nearly all iphone users i know are young free and single with no landlines, nappies to buy and mortgages fixed at 6%
until then, in my opinion, it remains a luxury in the realm of those who have plenty of disposable income, or those who absolutely need it (far fewer than the first category)
the great thing about the revo that my wife still uses daily (besides the instant on, great battery life, weight, touch screen, design) is the software - well written and still yet to be improved upon. the week view on the agenda/diary is just excellent - what else compares with it?
such a shame that psion died before they were able to release a colour, wifi, bluetooth version of the revo. the nokia n900 is the only device that has caught my eye since the revo. mind you, i haven't got my hands on one to try yet - i may be disappointed!
can i just say thankyou to all you guys who are submitting bugs and following them up during the the first month.
since the RC is only out for a few days i and many others consider the first month to be the real beta test.
i'm really eager to upgrade because the full screen flash now works on karmic for my intel gfx based laptop (broke in jaunty), but i also know that in 1 months time, most of the niggles will be fixed.
i just have 1 question - to all those with weird graphics issues - did you experience the same problem when running karmic from the live cd/usb?
judging by the myriad attempts to connect to accounts on servers that i look after, i would think that weak passwords have a part to play here.
Use fail2ban to block connections after a certain number of failed attempts. Most of the ssh attempts come from china and i don't expect much assistance from the administrator of their networks, so they will continue to bash away on other people's ssh ports
given the choice i always prefer .deb based distros but credit to opensuse for this. Somebody needs to champion KDE (especially when kubuntu has the feel of a half baked afterthought) and opensuse seem to do it the slickest. lets hope some more KDE4 papercuts get fixed in the process