i am ignorant, so i iPhone
the issue is ease of use, hence, the iPhone. i am a user and i have no desire to learn how to use the cell phone.
cell phones have all these features that i never use (or quickly forget how i got there in the first place).
the iPhone is easy with a limited amount of layers to get to.....if i am called a "sucker," fine, i am a sucker and proud of it.
in fact, in my house, the VCR and microwave always flashed "12:00 a.m." because i could never figure out how to reset it....again i am a user with no desire to learn irrelevent keystokes. i am not stupid, it is dorky software that is stupid. created programmers who don't under how ordinary users think. i am now in my mid-fifties in age.
i still remember my first computer (mid-ninteeneigthys)...happily unboxing it and turning to the manual's first sentence which read, "to bootup." i was dead-meat and had to call a friend who said quietly that it means to "turn on"...even the language was above me. so call me sucker, if you like. i am Arpadi, USA.