Have Samsung not just released 3 new S4 models? No SH*T saturated market lol
My next phone is going to be a nexus device.
15 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Aug 2008
I think its good for apple to get some of there own medicine to be honest. I thought they were a god company and couldn't do nothing wrong?
They need to come off there high horse and come to the realisation that there product is not a niche product anymore. Come down to this planet. World + dog now has an iPhone.
If you look at it as the long delayed sequel to Duke3D then it is a fine game. Stop comparing it to the games of today. If your a Duke fan in the first place it is a very enjoyable romp. Hails back to the old school days when you didn't need top notch graphics, detailed story line. You just wanted to have fun.