why do we need cars?
I have a bike, i cycle to work most days. Its a little over half an hour and 13km each way. In the winter months when it is dark on both journeys, often very cold and wet, sometimes at the same time, i occasionally choose to drive. Due to having to take a slightly less direct route (one way systems, no bike paths) this also takes about half an hour.
If i wanted to change that to a public transport journey, i have a couple of options,
i could walk 20 minutes, to get a bus for half an hour to the next town, to then get another bus for 20 minutes to the town in which i work, and walk 10-15 mins from the bus stop to the office. Not really an option when the reason i'm not on my bike is because it is cold and /or wet.
or, i could walk 20 minutes to the train station (next to the bus stop), get a train for 20 minutes (ish, im not certain, but it would be towards london), then another train (10-15mins) back out of london to get to the train station 'near' work and then a half hour or so walk from the station to the office.
Both of these options require more journey time each way, than i currently have both ways. Not to mention the cost of getting a train in and out of london twice a day.
For context, i live in a reasonably sized town south west of london. I fully expect for others that don't, this would be even less practical.