blame the gov
If our lords and masters would only exempt e-books from VAT as they have done for paper ones ,,, but it is odd how variable the effect is on final prices for Kindle editions
11 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Aug 2008
The fact of the matter is that economics is not a science. Economies are mathematically chaotic systems like the weather. Politicians and economists are either delusional or con-artists when they claim to predict or influence the economic future.
Wait for the announcement "This morning a woman rang in to say she had heard that there was a recession coming. Don't worry, there isn't."
The real problem with British management on all levels is that it runs on the basis of knowing the right people. That is how they get the jobs and also how they do the jobs.
The nearer one gets to the ranks of the great and the good, the more this rule applies, and, most disastrously for our future, the more one tends to regard technology/engineering as something that belongs round at the tradesman's entrance.