* Posts by Chobley

2 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Aug 2008

Vodafone jacks up UK prices

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O deer

1 way rnd it is 2 spk on fone like a txt message

Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 release date named


Looks like a P990i...

...for people who have fat fingers. Know nothin' about the product. I'm sticking with my P990i, with the flip off...until the day it dies, which incedently product wise for the P series - was the day the P990i was released.

X1...hmmm another 'X' amount of mistakes in a mobile for SE? Call me cynical I love there products and will always buy them even if they don't work properly...lets just see what happens eh, upon release or failed rushed-to-market release?