at least they've got theirs...
... mine's been ordered since the 9th (when i changed my order to a i7 from a i5) and still no sign of it shipping. apple are claiming "mid-december", they're shafting resellers good and proper in then land of oz.
10 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Nov 2008
".did they miss the obvious Cheesymite?"
CheesyMite is already registered by Bakers Delight (a bakery Franchise) for a scrolly-type thing with cheese and a "yeast based product" baked into it. so that ruled that one out.
I'd agree, cheesymite would have been a good name for it.
Having tasted it though, it's absolutely bloody minging. The original is good (albeit an acquired taste), but the new one is just gross. Imagine Philly mixed with vegemite and you've got it.