* Posts by KnownCoward

4 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Aug 2008

Boffins use heartbeat to thwart wireless implant hack


This is wonderful news for patients...

...except for those with arrhythmia.

Microsoft slashes US Xbox 360 to sub-Wii price


Fanning the flames since '69

Isn't it amazing how any console articles comment section degenrates into a pissing contest? I've played all the consoles heaps (got 'em all too except a 360), and in general:-

Controller: Wii=PC>PS3>360

Gfx: PC>PS3=360>Wii

Online: 360>PS3=PC>Wii

Other Uses (Highly subjective I know): PC>PS3>Wii=360


But! Ultimately it depends on the games you want to play:

FPS: PC>PS3=360>Wii (Yes there ARE Wii FPS's)

Platformer: Wii>360=PS3>PC

Adventure: PC=Wii>PS3=360

Casual: PC=Wii>360>PS3

Party: Wii>PC=360=PS3


Flames because absolutely no one will agree with my orderings above and I expect to take a LOT of flack from the fanbois/fangurls of all four camps.

Alienware Area-51 m15x gaming laptop


re: aha!, bbbut.,.

Not sure whether you were trying for humour or not, but in case you weren't:

1> Alienware IS Dell nowadays...

2> Alienware also have a twin 8800 capable model (m17x) - but it's an absolute beast compared to the m15x.

Fringe plan box office balls-up post-mortem next month


re: Mystery company part deux

"Knowing the area quite well..."

St Vincent Place is hardly hidden up a back street, and the closest coffee shop is Starbucks.

Not anon, because Glasgow is apparently bigger than you think ;)