Remember when?!
Remember that time when Lenovo shipped laptops pre-loaded with malware?
10 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Aug 2008
I quit VM in August after they tried to increase my BB only contract by >10%
I have a mobile phone so no need for a landline also. I decided to consolidate all of my internets into one easily repayable internet
Now I use Three's one plan unlimited, which is truly unlimited! £26 p/m with a new HSDPA phone. You can go for a 4G LTE model if faster speeds are required, but in good areas I regularly achieve 17Mb download, ~2Mb upload
No punishment for tethering either, so I wirelessly tether everything to my phone. Worked out cheaper as free calls and texts etc, speed is actally better than Virgin Media's miserly 10Mb, in most cases this is adequate but check your coverage before ditching the VM cretins
Unable to ping the IP address for (, tracert doesn't get further than the router I am using right now on VM cable
There are clearly some internets broken inside VM, has been like this for at least a few weeks, however phoning those VM dicks to report something like this is not good for your mental health!
Found this working on a USB key I found in a taxi, labelled TOP SECRET MEGA UBER DATABASE DEV TEST SYSTEM
Luckily there's only test data in the tables so no real security breach to report
use orwellian_live_devsys -- ha ha this is so easy to do its money for old rope
select, terrorist.address, terrorist.location, * -- we can charge these mugs £28Bn for it and £20Bn PA maintenance
where is not in ('jackie smith',gordon brown','osama bin laden') -- gotta keep the bosses onside but you can remove the first 2 items when item 3 says so
order by skin_colour, religion, ethnicity desc -- this is current standard do not alter EVER
Mines the one with the GPS tag/camera/mic combo in the hoodie
I intuitively guess that most readers here rely on 3rd parties to provide some layer of security every day (insert names of OS vendor & web browser here)
Do any privacy policies explicitly guarantee complete protection against hackers?
It's doubtful any firm would make such a bold claim, security can be compromised in many ways, some methods even circumventing what's in your direct control
Whatever works now can never be guaranteed future proof. Just look at the *KNOWN* lists of many high profile companies, .gov sites, ISP's, banking, IM & e-mail systems that have been caught with their pants down in some way or another
There's no hope, be afraid of the future, back to pen & paper everybody! Ahem, were *my* pants down when I started?
<blushingly pulls 'em up and wonders if a pants down icon is suitable for the reg>