* Posts by Zorric

8 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Apr 2007

Mobiles finally admitted to English hospitals


@Will - Significant?

If there is no significant risk, that means that there is no risk that is significant, i.e, in effect, no risk.

If the risk was significant, it would be a different matter.

Nikon D90 digital SLR with HD video recording


World's first DSLR, yep.

Superb though it is in many ways, the Casio EX-F1 is not a DSLR. It can, however, record full motion video at 1200fps.......

In the ditch with DAB radio


Re Battery Life

I bought a Devo "wind-up" DAB/FM radio the other day, cos it was reduced from £90 to a more like what it's worth £35. It's mainly for FM and sometimes BBC 7 or 6 Music. If you switch from Radio 2 on FM to Radio 2 on DAB, the FM sounds better, without question.

The interesting thing though is that one minute of winding the charger handle gives an hour of FM listening, or 3-5 minutes on DAB. Quite a difference.

Lord Ahmed faces dangerous driving charge


Re Need More Details

I quite agree that he should have been able to see a stationary car in the fast lane, and stop in time or swerve around it, like everybody else managed to do.

But it will be impossible to prove who sent the text unless he actually admits it. You say the style of text or the content of the message will prove who sent it. It may show who composed the text certainly, but not who was actually holding the phone, typing it in, and sending it. He could easily have been dictating the message to his wife or mother. So far at least, it's not illegal to actually talk to other passengers in the car.

Today is not Hadron Collider Day


The Last Time

So scientists are confident that the particle collider will not bring about the end of the world in a new big bang? I bet that's just what they before they switched the last one on. 14 billion years ago.

Dolphins abandon Bay of Biscay


Not his fault?

If it's not his fault, then just whose fault is it then? Somebody else who forced him to

write the "No IT angle"? If that is so then I sympathise with him, but I doubt it's the case, so -

I'd say it was exactly his fault and no-one elses.

Clearing swap and hibernation files properly


Hibernation and passwords -

Control Panel, Power Options, Advanced tab, unclick (or click, depending which you want) "Prompt for password when computer resumes from standby".......

'Mary Celeste' yacht mystery puzzles Oz


Note the inverted commas/quotation marks

The name of the yacht was not given in the article but was Kaz II. The inverted commas imply that the yacht was not called the Marie/Mary Celeste but that it disappeared in a Marie Celeste-like manner.