* Posts by Duffy

15 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Aug 2008

Senator saves YouTube from al Qaeda


Great idea.... NOT!!!

We want terrorists uploading videos. Not for propaganda purposes, but to lure them into the "open" so the NSA can find them (as if NSA and the rest of the intel community weren't already looking at youtube).

Make matters worse, Sen. Leiberman is one of my senators. He really could have found something more useful to do instead of campaigning for McCain...

GooTube cheers online gay porn ruling


As if our friends at Google are losing a fight any time soon?

Lets face it, porn IS the internet aside from codes, and cute fuzzy animals...

Only Napster will lose these types of cases in court (unless I'm mistaken, and I know someone will correct me on that). From a cheapskate's point of view, why pay for porn when I can get it for free?

Google stretching underwater comms cable?


The new monopoly

Anyone remember the old days when AT&T was the only phone provider? Our friends at Google are trying to be that type of monopoly with Android, websearching and space imagery. Google is on the path to domination. Shall we bow down down to our new master?

Houston, we have a virus

Gates Horns

Space the final frontier

Just when you think malware can't go any further in life; we find it in outer space. Just imagine the "IT protection training" lecture the person who brought the worm into space will receive.

Bill Gates just because this is an evil story

Phreakers seize government phone system


Ha ha

I feel so much safer knowing my government can't secure it's own phone lines.

Hacker unearths young Chinese gymnast scam


Stand up to the dragon

I don't know why so many people and organizations are afraid to deal with China and just tell them "China stop cheating or stomping all over human rights". For the IOC to say we don't do check ID's at the door is a cop out. I guess the IOC president doesn't mind when competitors are caught doping either.

Boeing gets new raygun-on-a-lorry contract


Onto the future

Lasers will be the perfect weapon WHEN we get into space combat. The recoil of guns- to some extend- missiles just won't allow them to work in a zero G environment. Lasers on the other hand will just be perfect

Google flicks pennies down geothermal well


The little known plan...

Yes geo energy is there and in use but what Google should do is build it's own power plant. Just like Virgin Air is trying to do with it's new biodiesel jets, our G friends can lead the way with geo energy.

Besides doesn't Google need the money it'll earn to one day buy out or "silence" all competitors/protesters?

NASA to brief on manned spaceship 'concerns'


NASA really has no options

The way the budgeting process works (from Congress, the White House, Office of Management and Budget, inside accountants, outside groups) it's amazing any programs outside of defense or national security are ever passed. NASA's problem isn't a lack of foresight, it's a lack of healthy funding. Manned space missions cost ten times (at the cheap end) as much than robotic missions which causes sticker shock to all but a few people. NASA should go ask DOD for it's space funding, but there is no way any Secretary of Defense is going to tell Congress "Send my billions of dollars to NASA where they really need the money" (FYI: DOD gets just as much money if not more than NASA for space)

Propulsion wise, nuclear is impossible outside of military operations because some group in Florida will send NASA to court and NASA is unable to guarantee 100% safety.

The shuttle was only capable of going to the space station, never beyond low earth orbit. So to go further into space (like the moon as the Apollo missions) require a new vehicle. Unfortunately the Apollo specs were lost (bad record keeping) and any parts NASA has are unusable even as a template.

A third of Vista PCs downgraded to XP


After years of adding to my computer I finally have a "new" one

Yes, my old computer lasted 13 years starting with 95 and 4 gigs, I added on getting win98 and 20 gigs but I finally took the plunge and bought a new computer. On my college campus many of the win2000 computers were taken out for Vista and a few XP's. Lets just say the Vista computers aren't used very often. People would rather cram around the Macs.

On my birthday I received a never been used XP desktop so far I love it. No errors or crashes. No blue screen or stupid Vista death screen. I feel bad for those Vista capable computers that Vista rejected. In time Vista will be forgotten or find itself as the "link" in evolution from XP to 7, kind of like ME/2000 were.

Googlephone is coming soon


Before we deem Gphone to be evil...

For all the bashing the jesus phone gets, shouldn't we be happy about a new competitor? What matters most to me is battery life, and can it do all the things it's hyped to do in a more efficient manner than current phones.

So what if the Gphone comes out after xmas, the people that understand how much a joke the current Iphone is won't run out to best buy or an AT&T store just to have it under the tree. I'll give Gphone a chance to at least not be as bad as the jesus phone.

US Air Force halts plans to establish a Cyber Command

Black Helicopters

America already has cybercommand aside from NSA

The secret service is now responsible for "civilian" internet protection along with Homeland Security and the Justice Department (trust me, I'm not feeling safe or secure).

Defense Secretary Gates had long been demanding the Air Force to do more in today's fighting (building/fielding drones, sending boots on the ground to help fight) instead of focusing on stealth fighters and satellites.

Bear prints found on Georgian cyber-attacks

Dead Vulture

Sad to see 'pwned' is being used

I wish some net speak terms would die. However, more importantly Georgia is getting beat up by Russia not only in the virtual world, but in the real world as well. Their military is unable to handle the task and the world refuses to help physically.

But cyberattacks will be the new norm in first strikes of war. It's a cheap and personnel friendly way of disrupting enemy communications since your troops will not be shot at.

Forgot your ID? You must be a terrorist


TSA one more level of frustration between you and your trip

Some government programs and agencies do die. They're just small obscure ones only 10 people heard of. I do agree with Nomen about the lack of terrorists. They're not going to use airplanes to commit another attack. How about securing our sea ports DHS? They're more important than the airlines. Hell you're lucky if the flight you're on ever leaves on time. Hard to carry out a precision based plan with something that never runs on schedule


Just great

If it really were all about security, why would they let the non ID people onto the plane in the first place? As if the airlines aren't trying to get our money in the first place, shouldn't they tell TSA not to let anyone on board without IDs (excluding little children, or are they terrorist midgets in disguise?)? The airline gets to keep the money for the ticket and fewer people are on planes...

I just realized something, it might be a crime to punish the stupid for leaving their ID. So not only are you dumb for forgetting the ID, but as a reward the TSA labels you a terrorist for 15 years. Great door prize federal government