* Posts by David

5 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Apr 2007

Animal rights group protests seal clubbing in World of Warcraft


Too bad for continued Animal Rights lies

Hey... I know this is just a game, and its just a bunch of idiots at PETA, but the "cute white" baby seals are NOT killed in the ACTUAL hunt (nor have they been for 30 years!).

Unfortunately, the humour from the game just helps to spread the lies that PETA, HSUS, and Sea Sheppard Society likes to spread...

/me steps off soapbox


RIM Blackberry Bold 9000


Re: Email accounts

... if you think email is (in any way, shape, or form) secure and private unless you encrypt the contents, you either need a lesson in SMTP or you are quite deluded.

Canada announces monster solar plant


Note: not helped by global warming

Umm.. to the person who said that gloabl warming will help the solar energy... it will not. Global warming is about heat being trapped, not light. Global warming doesn't change the light amount... and if it did, I would assume it would be less light due to increased evaporation resulting in more cloud-cover.

Canadian seal hunters trapped in ice


Baby rebuttal

Ok Sandra, lets talk about babies for a minute. You are right, the seals lose their white coat after only a 2 or 3 weeks (rareless less than 2 weeks). They are also no longer suckling on their mother... they are weaned and self-sufficient - something which I would not describe as a baby.

A seal is not a human. They are not "babies" they are pups. Humanizing them does not help the the fact that a 3 week old seal is not longer mother-dependant and can survive on its own.

Now lets talk about what is best for the overall seal population. This "hunt" is actually a cull of the herd. The size of the harp seal herd off of the north-east coast of Canada is over-sized and is being managed in the same way that many populations of animals are managed.

Did you know that killing younger seals is actually better for the overall herd health than killing old seals? A seal will take 4 years to mature and become able to reproduce. If the sealers were forced to kill only older animals, the seal herd would be in much more danger of a dramatic drop in numbers as a result. This is a fact that is not debatable, it is the science of population control applied without some misguided humanization of the animals.

Anyway just go eat some 6 week old chicken for your dinner... yeah they are 6 weeks old when they are harvested... imagine that... YOU would even call them babies!


Correction: Clubbing is rare!

Your last statement is incorrect... the vast majority (over 95%) of seals are harvested using rifles. The "clubbing" of seals is not even accurate, as the tool, when used is not a blunt instrument.

And, for the record - baby seals are NOT killing in this hunt, and have not been killed in the hunt for about 20 years! That doesn't play well for the anti-hunting lobby, though, so the prevalent image of seals in the media is a cute, small white baby seal.