Gotta love the world today.
It's to complex to enforce repayment for the small investors but the bog boys have that perk.
372 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Aug 2008
I guess when someone finally releases a decent Office suite for Linux that actually does what is required? Without hours of faffing around obscure menus and settings?
Oh and also when all of the custom programs a company requires are compiled and supported in a linux environment....
If it were not for the lack of a decent office suite and support for our Hire Software I would already be using linux...
It's going to be big. I can login in to Spotify and play anything, granted I already have most on a NAS but the NAS doesn't always have such full and complete Meta data.
That's what people are paying for, complete Meta data, every track ever released, an easy way to search and also check out related tracks and recommendations. All for less than the cost of one album a month.
And there is the issue. MS has office. People need to be able to do things quickly and make it look half decent. Not spend half a day tweaking a document to then find out it prints differently to how it looks.
MS just wins on ease of use. And now of course for the whole Office and email 365 jobby it's a tenner per month. Soon it will be a fiver a month for the OS.
Could not the same outcome be achieved easier by NT2 changing his name by deed poll?
End result being that the historical index of google remains intact and also it allows NT2 a fresh start and would prevent employers googling his name.
That would keep everyone happy.
Whats that? NT2 doesnt want to change his name? Shouldnt have been a crook then, or should have been smart enough to not get caught and efectively ruin his reputation.
People have a right to a second chance. There are methoda and procedures in place to facilitate this. They do not have a right to rewrite the past and expunge the memory from those who know them so why allow them to run amok with googles index's?
All this hatred towards bitcoin...
Just because, just like me - way back in 2010 you looked at it, thought its a neat little idea and I can get 5000 bitcoins for £20 - but it will never take off and well, its not really backed by anything is it?
Aye its a scam, but tell you what - I wish I had brought those bloody bitcoins back then.
It would hurt Europe because those trillions are currently propping up the European banking sector by being a positive amount on the banks balance sheets. Remove the money and you remove the liquidity of the banks, the banks then tighten up on lending, put interest rates up, call in loans to improve their liquidity etc etc
Its a feedback loop, money is not 'created' (well not unless it is 'quantitative easing' but that is not really making money, that is watering down the strength of money...) remove the money from Europe to the US and it will impact upon the European banks. Trillions is not a trifling amount.
But they do work.
I spend 60k a year on adwords, 18k for someone to admin it. And it brings in a lot of work.
If people are using googling to search for something then there is a good chance they want to buy it.
Not so much with banner adverts though.
You are all thinking about how to print the Psion 5 into now, not how to bring it into tomorrow and to set new standards.
It needs a high res OLED screen, decent keyboard, bluetooth, wifi, LTE/4g and big battery bank. Running linux, not android - android with bluetooth keyboard is a pain in the arse to use. Oh and it needs a track point and stylus.
Also put on a pico projector, serial port and Ethernet port and monitor out port.
You guys are behind the times. People no longer care. It's a phone. It works. If you get hacked then you get a new phone and or take it back to the shop and if they get your card details the banks refund you.
That's how most people think. Privacy? Its just a phone!
It's shocking isn't it? But hey here in 1984 people love it...
I can see why they have done it, £1bn or even a few bn is cheap for infrastructure investment on a global network. Google are also in the business of networks. Its pretty much pocket change for them and perhaps its even just an exec who wants net access *ANYWHERE* in the world. Eitherway a fuck load of satellites and google getting into space isnt going to hurt.Well hurt google anyhow...
True and I fully agree with you.
However what I think the point that the OP is trying to make is that the refund will need to go through and that the customer will have to pick up the cost of any fluctuation in the conversion rate.
Then there is the further problem of monetary controls, inflation is a very handy tool in a governments tool box. Bitcoins do not do inflation, once the last bitcoin is mined then there will never be any more.
In my eyes it is all a very well thought out and well hyped scam, and having no infrastructure in place to process the bitcoin chain once the coins are mined somewhat proves this.
They are a good idea and they have their applications, however they will not replace the supply chain for parts.
I have looked at buying one, I could use it to print better plastic mats for the diggers in our fleet, or use it to print the plastic hand helds (£60 + VAT for a 5cm by 8cm bit of plastic) or the joystick controllers etc.
However, and this is the big hurdle - what about EU Certificate of Conformity's? If I design and print something I am accepting liability that it is safe and will do the job. Now you may say its a bit of plastic for a hand rest, however in this increasingly legal world am I going to take the risk of incurring liability to save myself £60?
Of course not.