The nipple ring could cause some serious damage to passengers & crew, providing someone managed to smuggle a pair of pliers on board so she could remove it.
67 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Apr 2007
I really don't understand all this iPlayer shite.
I've got a PVR with HDD & DVR, If there's a program that I want to watch, but am not able to watch it live I set the PVR to record the program, this can be to hard drive so I can watch it on the big TV, or to DVD if I want to watch it elsewhere.
Neither format is encumbered with DRM, and won't expire after 30 days.
Yet more money being spent solving a problem that doesn't really exist...
It takes so long because you get to the top of ladder, splash a bit of paint about then your can's empty, so you have climb back down to the bottom, pop round to B & Q, but they clean out of that shade, so you have to start again with a different colour.
I tell you, it's like painting the forth bridge this is...
I do hope that the PTC members provide their children with earplugs when they go out into the street...
btw Caprice said the same word on UK TV (I think it was on the appalling GMTV, the most offensive program on terrestrial TV) when she was promoting her role in the same "play", perhaps it's in the actresses contracts that they must say the word on TV at every opportunity.
Eric (leers, grinning) Your wife interested in er... (waggles head, leans across) photographs, eh? Know what I mean? Photographs, 'he asked him knowingly'.
Terry Photography?
Eric Yes. Nudge nudge. Snap snap. Grin grin, wink wink, say no more?
Terry Holiday snaps?
Eric Could be, could be taken on holiday. Could be yes - swimming costumes. Know what I mean. Candid photography. Know what I mean, nudge nudge.
Read the story again, the repost.
it was Crystal Meth, not crack.
No for some lessons about drug addiction - Crystal Meth is one of the most addictive substances on earth, you become physically and mentally dependent on it. you also never recover. Like any drug, alcohol, tobacco, smack or crack, you will always be an addict and addicts behave very strangely.
Do you, or anyone you know, smoke? Have you or you acquaintance every tried to give up? It's not easy is it, now try with someone many, many times stronger.
You also can't blame the girl, drugs pushers are very persuasive people, that's why they're so good at the game, they play on your insecurities (13 year old girls have many), offer you free samples, get you hooked, then they bleed you dry. Scum of the earth, like estate agents, only worse...
Paris because most of the posters here have displayed about her level of sense 7 compassion (see Rwandan Orphans stories)
Wasn't it St James Hospital in Leeds where they couldn't afford aircon in the server room, so when they booted up £1m of new kit it instantly went supernova?
If that's the case maybe the low salary is because they've decided to buy some cooling for the replacement servers
Simple as that, never adds itself to your start-up group, takes a lot less power, plays all RM files...
While I'm at it, dump Quick Time and use Quick Time Alternative...
Having a conversation on a telephone is very different from listening to a radio or talking to a passenger.
When talking to someone face-to-face (or side by side in a car) body language and facial expressions make up most of the conversation, these little details are missing over the phone, so to compensate you have to concentrate more carefully on the call - diverting your attention from the road.
With the radio, yes you get no body language, but then again you don't really concentrate fully on the radio anyway.
Paris is there because of the famous pictures of her arrest, when the call she was making whilst driving was far to important to end the call whilst being arrested.
and they all went back to the shop.
They're just not bright enough, and when you have poor eyesight (my wife has cataracts) they're just no good.
Add to this all the crap associated with the manufacture of these lamps, the poisons they contain and the huge expense of replacing all the lamps they there is no discernible benefit.
As this legislation been push through by the CFL manufacturers do you think?
I'm off to B & Q shed load of incandescent bulbs...
When the apocalypse arrives and Christ is looking for the data to do his sorting it will have been lost by the US outsourcing company Lucifer Inc, he then finds out that the backup was posted by some civil servant and was never seen again...
"Bollocks to it" says Jesus, he sends the whole lot to Heck and phones his dad to get the whole process started again.
assuming I switch all my bulbs to "energy saving" ones a couple of questions are raised...
1) The new bulbs take a lot more power to manufacture
2) how many landfill sites will be filled with old bulbs, as I'm damn sure the local recycling facility doesn't have a section for light bulbs
3) The new bulbs are filled with a nice toxic powder, so they'll need special treatment when they die, which by all accounts is a lot sooner than the claims made on the box.
I was thinking the same thing myself. I regularly by Dell MD1000's with 7.5tb of storage (15 x 500gb SATA drives), these are used to record surveillance cameras, so are reasonably speedy, and cost about £3250 a piece. The server to control 6 of these beasts weighs in at about £3k.
So we've got just short of 50tb of storage for £22,500. Lose a third for RAID 5 and you've still got storage for about £600 a terabyte,
So what exactly was in that room, a huge stack of gold plated SAS drives?
Our local college built a new extension, and put in lots of "nice" RM PCs, 24 of them in a horse-shoe, as the room was small these PCs (desktop cases) were nearly touching, they all had a fan on one side & a vent on the other, see where I'm going here?
Yes the PC on the far right wasn't very stable...
Buying the toy makers is not terribly wise.
His Royal Highness Pengiran Digadong Sahibul Mal Pengiran Muda Haji Jefri Bolkiah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar Ali Saifuddien Sa'adul Khairi Waddien, brother of the Sultan of Brunei, saw that Aspreys of London was making a handy profit, so he decided to buy them. What he failed to realise was that he accounted for about 75% of their business.
This is the man who had a yacht called Tits, with two lifeboats called Nipple 1 and Nipple 2. He's also got a gold plated toaster in one of his cars, now that's class
By the sound of things Webster Phreaky was eminently sensible buying the extended warranty, because when the iShite dies after 366 days he would have had to fork out for repairs or new iShite, with an extended warranty he at least gets another couple of years basking in the warm glow of self satisfied Apple ownership.
Surely St Steve could repair all these dodgy iBooks, then resell them as iLazarus
Just looked at the system requirements
* Supported Windows platforms: Windows XP, Windows Vista
* Supported Linux platforms: SLED 10, RHEL 5, Redhat5
* 900MB disk space minimum
* 1GB RAM memory minimum
* US English locale
WTF - why stipulate US English, will it crash if I try to spell words properly, do the fonts not contain enough U's to spell colour & neighbour properly
Before you comment on other's English standards get yourself a dictionary.
Firstly, you watch Al Jazeera for the English, not Al Gezira.
And if you were to pole 100 people on the streets I'm pretty sure you'd be arrested before you reached double figures.
When requesting people's opinions you carry out a "poll"
I just used a premier login to find an Ubuntu machine. None of the systems or laptops I checked had it as an option. Although most servers will allow you to select a supported copy of Red Hat.
When I did a search for Ubuntu it returned one link, following this leads to a Page No Longer Available error
rather confusingly, whilst we buy fuel in litres, we buy milk & beer in pints, whilst we measure distances in metres and km, we measure speed in mp/h. We weigh food in grams & kilos, but ourselves in stones (14 pounds).
As for Robin Cook the Woodhead pass is indeed quite a dangerous stretch of road.