16 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Aug 2008
Surely can't be long now then!
Not really that important for a relatively low speed low powered city runaround... whereas space for the kids is.
Aerodynamic drag only really starts to become a major factor at much higher speeds than 30mph (or ~8mph if you drive in London).
"Blast from the past".
Bravo sir, bravo.
a) Mr. Orlowski is only irritated that another company is larger than his own mothers company,
Superb, just superb.
Any chance of it rising from the ashes next summer? Or will the batteries be shagged?
Hs to be, surely. They've finally got fed up with all our spying on their remote homes and decided to do something about it.
..welcome our new 8 legged iridescencent green jawed aggressive jumping arachnid overlords.
...welcome our new nonsensical garbage spouting overlords.
"rolled up cardboard covered in sticky back plastic."
Cardboard!? Ooh, you lucky lucky bastard! All we ever had was used tissue paper, rescued from the dump and stuck together with our own spit.
Well played sir, well played.
It's not the exhaust, it's part of the suspension.
What a bunch of numpties!
What's wrong with a good ol' fashioned hosts file?
Is what I always set my desktop to. Makes it a bit tricky to tell if my copy's genuine or not...
..welcome our new cat-brained overlords.
Not heard that one before, it must be a new addition to the management speak dictionary.
From context I'd say surfacing = bringing forward / announcing / suggesting.
Not that hard to work out. ;-)