Atypical = Nefarious?
Bah! - So that would be anyone not wearing a little santa hat or those clip-on plastic antlers?
What about the people not carrying at least three bulging shopping bags...what are they up to?
Happy Winterval.
23 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Aug 2008
"With a new and less hawkish president shortly to take up office..."
Did I just imagine that bit during the presidential preliminaries? -You know, when Barack and Hilary were trying to out-hawk each other over just how much they would obliterate Iran - should it prove to be 'necessary'.
Just how much money was it again that Hilary get from the 'defence' industry? Does the cash transfer to Barack now, or does she get to keep it?
- and who's the new guy at Defence? Don't I recognise him from somewhere?
To finish on a really depressing note - look how Blair turned out. Ethical foreign policy - ha!
Like so many other things that make warfare the fun thing it is today - the Nazis did it already:
Search for 'Personenabwurfbehälter' on http://www.luftarchiv.de/ (especially nifty version with outboard motor for sea drops - v. James Bond)
Say what you like about the Nazis - but they certainly did produce a mother-lode of whacky-weapons ideas for the US military (oh - and wasn't there something about them being genocidal fucktards too?...I can't remember....)
The potential for humour in this appears to be infinite - The BBC are currently soliciting comments from BNPers assuring them that: "Your contact details will not be published." (smirk)
Can't see them having much response to this, after all, any red-blooded, true-British-nationalist who voluntarily gave their details to the marxist-multiculturalist Bash Britain Corporation would have to be a fucking moron wouldn't they?
Will check with spEak You’re bRanes over the next few days to see how many of them have!
Good in you I see, my young apprentice. Turn from the Dark side you must, before too late it is. You, what you seek, will not find there.
Ho Hum - ok, we can all be bit right-wing at times (especially when whores and cocaine are involved - apparently.) - but seriously - it's something, from which, with proper care and attention, you can make a complete recovery.
Good Luck!
Do 'Private Contractors'* have to pass any sort of certification or vetting procedure before being allowed to lose heaps of personal data - or can anyone do it?
On the bright side - the recruitment of villainous henchmen just got a whole lot easier! HaHaHaHa...etc (Evil laughter echoes around interior of hollowed out volcano).
(*English translation: Money-hungry spivs with the right connections)
How do we know when our glorious leaders are lying to us? < surely everyone knows this joke already?>
But seriously, how would we (as responsible citizens, in a 'democracy') know that the 'al Quaeda' manual is a worthless piece of shit, rather than a v. scary manual of mayhem that could cause untold loss of life if it fell into the 'wrong' hands - without reading it ourselves?
How would we know that official pronouncements about the difficulty/impossibility of making various kinds of IEDs without the help of the evil Iranians are complete and utter bullshit!!! - without reading the (US) patents on Explosively Formed Projectiles or even US Army Field Manual FM 31-20, Special Forces Operational Techniques (December 1965) which very helpfully provides a couple of (small) pages (281-283) describing their simple construction and the uses to which they can be put (by the forces of good in the battle against evil godless communism at that time, of course).
Most people won't seek out and read this stuff for themselves because they don't give a shit and are happy to go on believing whatever our masters want to tell them.
A few people who might suspect they're being fed bullshit everyday with their breakfast will be scared off by this Nazi crap. The rest (me?) can be picked off any time it's convenient. Actually I'm hoping that they don't really care whether I read this stuff, I'm not brown, don't have a beard etc - still, accidents can happen and I guess that if anyone in authority takes a dislike to me, I'm screwed!
BTW - just popped into v. excellent local remaindered bookshop (~200m from local police station) and for £4.99 picked up a reprint of the 1941 Home Guard Manual - packed with useful (and tested) info on mounting an insurgency against an invading army - of much more practical use than any number of dumb-ass internet-obtained 'al Quaeda' manuals - and apart from the ubiquitous cctv coverage - I left no evidence trail in obtaining it (or did I?- arrggh!).
Black Helicopter because - did you just hear a noise outside? (and you don't have an orange jumpsuit and nappy icon).
1. No I don't have a 'loyalty' card
2. No, I don't want a bag, thanks
3. I come to this shop ~ once a week, see the same till minder every time and every time you pull a bag from your stack and shove it at me without asking - and then go all slack-jawed and uncomprehending when I say no thanks.
4. Will this patent save me any time? - no of course not!
Seriously though, some greedy idiots just want to make sure that they don't miss out on OWNING something - even if anyone with half a brain can see it's a totally worthless piece of sht!
black helicopter - because - 'What do you mean - you don't have a loyalty card?'