* Posts by DGR

2 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Aug 2008

Virgin Galactic to save planet from climate change



Check your units fellas. The quoted altitudes for NASA aircraft seems verrrry low. A piston engined light aircraft can get to 25,000' plus, the average business jet to 41,000' plus, specialist high altitude jets to 60,000' plus.

Killer Satnavs amok in 'Utah Polyhedron' phenomenon


We have 'em too

Tucson, don't think that there is anything in being from Oz that precludes being naive about the natural world. Most Australians live within a rifle shot of the coast (well, maybe a cannon shot then), and have little to do with the inland. We have been losing people to heatstroke and dehydration since the days of the Model T (within hours sometimes), and no amount of expensive 4WD's, GPS, satellite beacons and publicity seems to help. In fact it seems they just allow them to get deeper into the sh*t.