ALIEN SCOUT SHIP: Hi, Kang here.
ALIEN MISSION CONTROL: Hi Kang, what are those aggressive monkeys on the third planet up to now?
ALIEN SCOUT SHIP: Right, they've got some new power generators sir...LOTS of them.
ALIEN MISSION CONTROL: Ah, yes, they must be onto cold-fusion-energon-ion generation. They did nuclear about 50 years ago right?
ALIEN SCOUT SHIP: No, it's not cold-fusion-energon-ion their using.
ALIEN MISSION CONTROL: Eh? Interesting, what have they got?
ALIEN SCOUT SHIP: I don't quite know how to say this sir...b..but, they have ....windmills.
ALIEN MISSION CONTROL: Have you been drinking Aldebaran Whiskey while on duty again? I'll have you posted to take rock samples on an abandoned moon in alpha centauri for such insolence!
ALIEN SCOUT SHIP: No, really! i...i know it sound unbelievable Sir...but they actually ARE using windmills.
ALIEN MISSION CONTROL: But they did windmills about 2 millenia ago Kang! Why the hell would they.......Ah!........it must be a disguise!
It must be some new technology hidden inside a poxy windmill.
Get down there right now and knock one over to see what's inside.
ALIEN SCOUT SHIP: But, that's against regul...
ALIEN MISSION CONTROL: Regulations nothing Kang! Get down their NOW!