* Posts by Donal Gavin

15 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Aug 2008

Robert Crumb begets Book of Genesis

Donal Gavin
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@ Matt Newton

Nicely said, hahah

UK fatties demand 'hate crime' status for lardo-baiting

Donal Gavin


Im not over weight but i did find the use of language in the article higly offensive. I expected this from the Sun but the register?

Report: Apple snagged Google Maps rival

Donal Gavin
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Oh no , dont insult my apple

Oh no you have insulted my apple honour. how dare you reg.

Peugeot to offer in-car Wi-Fi in 2010

Donal Gavin

Good idea?

Well this is deffo gonna help stop people twitting and face booking while driving. good idea

Philips waves farewell to point-and-press remote controls

Donal Gavin
Paris Hilton

Thinking a bit too far out of the box?

I never had a problem using my remote control. dont fancy having to wave this "wand" around just to turn the volume up. with i can do the same thing by sitting still and pressing one button.

British troops get nifty techno-gunsights

Donal Gavin
Paris Hilton


is it just me getting really old or do the soldiers in the picture look about 12

Brit inventor wants prison for patent crims

Donal Gavin
Jobs Halo


P*** off trevor.

We are all aware of the good reasons to lower the ole patent laws. People are too greedy for their own good.

Japan fine with cheap old mobile phones, ta very much

Donal Gavin

Cheap phones, good phone

I got the cheap nokia i could find and its great. cost about £20(so if i lose it no biggy) , battery lasts for about a week when fully charged and has the best extra function i have ever had in a phone, a led light which I was surprised how often i use , especially when digging around the innerds of a PC. I love it.

First Samsung Android phone out next week

Donal Gavin

Dam O2

I am, Dam O2.

'Soon soldiers will have 3 tiny choppers in their pocket'

Donal Gavin

Manhack anyone?

For some reason when i read the title i thought of a half life 2 style manhack. That would be better/cooler for soldiers

Pirate Bay loses trial: defendants face prison time, hefty fines

Donal Gavin

Aww heck

Boooo urns!!!

Brits not sold on eco handsets

Donal Gavin
Paris Hilton

Who's fault is that

"For example, 39 per cent either thought that phones don’t have any hazardous materials inside them or admitted that they’d no idea if phones do."

Well its not like the mobile phone companies are going to advertise that their mobiles are bad for the environment.

White wine stains your teeth too

Donal Gavin
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Who cares!!!

U2 tracks disappear from YouTube

Donal Gavin
IT Angle

One for 20 against

hahah second life what you talking about. thats one for U2 and about 20 against so far.

An Anonymous Coward nerd who has virtual sex in SecondLife supporting Bono - how cute! He must be doing something wrong then!

Thailand bans GTA after video game style murder

Donal Gavin

What else can we blame on games.

Hope George Bush doesnt play defcon