Hackers conference?
So, who is going to get arrested this year? Another Marcus? Just saying it's a possibility.
325 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Aug 2008
Pentagon contract, check, lots of terms and conditions that can be endlessly quibbled, check, length of contract most likely negotiable, check, additional unforeseen expenses, check.
Final bill for taxpayers: $100 billion to $1 trillion over two decades or more. By that time, the original purpose and goals will be completely forgotten and one of the alphabet soup agencies will have hundreds of permanent staff to manage the contractors.
They may be a criminal class according to the facts and figures, considering the high rate of those convicted of crimes or resigning just before being arrested.
We call them unindicted co-conspirators or persons of interest until such time as they are actually serving a sentence, but why quibble over details.
I understand why Google wants own the IoT (global domination of all things that tech can touch, and more) but what makes them think that people want the internet on everything?
If given a choice, I will always want my appliances simple. I don't want a toaster that talks back or reports to Google that I burnt the whole wheat again.
"...aggressive actions, such as punching, stabbing, shooting, kicking, and strangling."
Sounds like an average day at the park with my 5-year old nephew. If his friends are with him? Add any other sort of mayhem.
But in an ordinary crowd, I have no confidence in any surveillance technique other than trained observers with mirrored sunglasses and walkie-talkies.
Other regions had their EC2 instances so slow as not to allow most data traffic. Since our proud cloud-first management had mandated the move of the authentication and authorization SSO systems to the cloud less than a month ago, the entire organization had a holiday from web services for most of the day.
Interesting how the art of conversation is suddenly revived in such circumstances.
My former director relies on me to keep his and his wife's PCs going in their home office since his retirement. Retirement was about a year and a half ago and, with the two new laptops they bought at that time for their planned rest and recreation years, I have not had a month without a trip to their house to fix Windows 10.
This last update completely wiped her drive except for a Windows.old.000 folder which I was able to use to restore her documents and treasured photos. She could only boot into the choice of which keyboard type to use, then reboot again to the same screen. I restored her files only after creating an installation media USB stick downloaded earlier in the day from Microsoft. Using the repair option got me to a command prompt for backing up her old folders onto a USB drive. Then I booted with the USB stick again and chose a complete install.
Somehow, the USB stick installer found the original license and got Windows 10 back to its usual self. Reinstalling LIbreOffice and Firefox got her back to what she wanted on the laptop. But it was two nights of my doing this for her after work and going home after midnight.
Fortunately, her chicken pot pie is excellent and her husband keeps the teapot full.
Anyone else heard the recent news that Microsoft is discontinuing most of the fonts included with any of their software and are going to a paid model? Fonts will no longer be developed as the old TrueType type and will come from the Microsoft Store, licensed separately, with separate fees for anything you fancy.
It's true. The current leadership is so subscription-fee driven that they won't even include a few things formerly provided and expected. I haven't paid for fonts since the early '90s and I don't think I'm going to start doing that again.
All of this has nothing to do with the law or justice. It has everything to do with money, cash, dole or any other term you can use to describe a payout to everyone involved but the victim.
The class action reform which is long overdue would address the victim as the principal recipient of any redress. But anything that doesn't benefit the lawyers first is not going to happen. Even if the victim is put first, there won't be any cases undertaken which don't add up to more money for the law firms and their system of routing all payments to their partners, whether they are their multiple affiliates in the legal community or their alma maters.
The poor victim is too poor to matter.
So, who is going to benefit from any finding by the Supremes? Only more lawyers.
Time to blame Intel again?
Yes, yes, I am aware that the need to patch is all because of the famed Chipzilla design flaws, but MS have a way of blaming others for their own design flaws, as in the Surface product introductory conditions.
But when you fail in your own field, software updates, for example, can you really call someone else out?
It took one man with some interest in the skies who could operate a camera to find this and realize what had happened. it took 21 authors of the Nature article to get the supernova reported to the public.
Nothing unusual in this, but I would rather be facing the right direction and know what I saw than have to build a career on the discoveries of others.
Or at least, hard cash gets you connected. But there are places in the U.S. where you can't get broadband of an kind.
When I had to setup rural health centers with remote connections about ten years ago, a shared dial-up modem was the best they could get. It hasn't improved much. Outside of the major cities, ISPs don't put anything into infrastructure but own all of the possible connections. That situation doesn't seem to have changed for anyone outside of a city of over 100,000 population. There just isn't enough money in it for the major corporations that monopolize the ISP providers.
The TV cable companies own the one-connection-per-neighborhood cabling that keeps the speeds uneven as the kids get hone and start streaming anything and everything. The former phone companies own the right-of-way for all other cabling and will only put in fiber where there are enough customers to gouge for the new service fees on DSL. Then there are the bundling fees for services that nobody needs but allow the ISPs to perpetually add ever increasing charges that are pure invention.
There is an alternative satellite internet provider in the U.S., but it's run by a government defense contractor and its prices double in rural areas. So, it's either pay more or don't pay at all and remain off the grid.
There is an old joke about Daniel Webster being caught by his wife in a compromising situation with the maid. She said, "Daniel Webster I am surprised at you!" He said, "Dear, I am surprised, you are amazed."
At this point, I doubt many of us are either surprised or amazed. But we should be concerned.
Personalized content means the TV people own your identity and can do what they like with it, all the way to Google and Facebook and back. An OTA broadcast won't be allowed on equipment you thought you owned because you paid for it, not until they verify your personal details, which are not your own any longer.
The authorities obviously don't understand any of this cyber security business and are going to hold Hutchins until he explains it to them.
Anyone who knows more than the average plod is suspicious. But they can always arrest the better fellow and force him to explain how things work until they can find the truly guilty.
It's a type of forced labor.
Yes. And they never are in a class-action suit. These types of settlements are classless inaction by the attorneys who represent themselves with a pretense of doing it for their numerous clients whom they have never met.
I say throw the money at the non-profit groups who could keep suing Google and up the ante on further claims.
I have yet to see another service provider for cable TV, satellite TV or broadband service of any kind that wasn't setup the same way. Anything advertised by every one of them boldly claims a low price for a service you cannot possibly obtain without additional costs at absurd rates.
When AT&T was the only long distance phone service provider, they would bill for anything they saw fit and let their customers argue over the charges. The local service providers were all in on the game and would add additional charges on the same bill. There was no way to fight without losing your service and getting even more charges to resume the "service."
Now that it's only one cable company and just the two satellite providers that can provide most TV channels, AT&T has bought into the satellite TV game and resumes their previous attitude toward customers. They seem to believe people are only there to be deceived and robbed in any way possible by the whim of their tiny corporate hearts.
I worked for a large organization that actually had an Animal Husbandry department which fed and otherwise maintained a livestock feed testing farm. They thought they would sound more modern when they changed its name to Animal Resources for a few years. It was eventually pointed out that the name seemed to be demeaning to their animals and they changed the name to Animal Care.
Within weeks, the larger organization changed the name of Personnel to Human Resources. The irony was lost on one and all.
Over? With someone like McAfee it will probably never be over. One more wild night with those "nurses" from his video and he will be back for more fees because of another technicality.
Hopefully, his heirs won't be as loopy as he is. Then it will really be all over for John McAfee.
"Facebook's technical fix, according to the company spokesperson, involves the creation of administrative accounts not associated with personal Facebook accounts, because personal information represents a security risk."
How long did it take them to figure this out? Make your money first, worry about personal risk to your people later. That must be the Facebook way.
Will I ever get Uber this? Can anyone give me a Lyft?
Sorry, this case is a joke in many ways. I just can't take these people seriously and I have some sympathy for the judge.
Waymo? I wonder what kind of company they were if Levandowski was one of their guys. But they were the ones to get rid of him. As always, I imagine it's best to wait for some details before passing judgement.
the most annoying thing would be for the airlines to make you pay for a non-phone section. Business travelers who want to avoid those capable of making calls would be charged extra.
The middle-eastern airlines already have outstanding facilities for business class on long flights. Maybe they could just install a phone booth for those who absolutely have to call. Domestic airlines are far too common to give up a seat for that kind of thing.
The way the statistic is setup, the average is always 100 if you test enough people. People aren't getting any smarter or dumber, they're just testing differently And if it seems there are more people who behave stupidly on the Internet, it's because it has been made too easy to get on--and click and point and comment on anything and everything.
Average IQ hasn't changed. We've just given too much access without raising the bar on entry.