No one has mentioned
that they come with Norton Internet Security 2007. That will make it run slow. They should be forced to return the unit to Wally world with a note on the box "We are too stupid to own a computer".
34 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Apr 2007
if I want to visit the Scunthorpe council site, or experts exchange. So long Soon we wont even be able to visit, or the sister site Time for Western Australia to think about becoming an independent nation.
All the news services are going on about this, citing AGW as the cause, but they conveniently never mention this fact. The Antarctic ice shelf is the largest it has been in the last 30 years.
As an aside, Polar Bear numbers are increasing, Greenland is again living up to the name the Vikings gave it, and global mean temperatures are decreasing after their 1998 peak.
"LAND RIGHTS FOR GAY WHALES" - A division of Greenpeace
The two girls in question had been getting "teased" (effectively verbally abused) because of the size of their breasts. In reality,the military were required to prevent this happening (duty of care etc.), hence the boob jobs.
It mainly came to light because the Labor party are looking for things to complain about. After all, they have already blamed John Howard for...
The drought
Global warming.
The American mortgage crisis.
Internet pornography
The Beaconsfield mining accident.
are all Intel's fault. Of course they are. Not. Intel are not to blame for the poor supply chain of AMD. Have you ever tried to actually buy a high-end AMD cpu? "Should be in soon, maybe 12 weeks". Whereas ask for an Intel chip, the reply is usually "how many do you want sir?"
AMD have never actually designed a decent chip anyway. Going back to the 486 days, they were a copy of the Intel chip. The K5 was crap. The K6 was designed by Nextgen. The K7 on were co-designed by DEC.
When AMD can design a good chip, AND supply them in quantity, AND supply them on-time AND at a good price, then they will be serious competition. These law suits are purely AMD clutching at straws, trying to find someone to blame for their own shortcomings. Get your own house in order and you will be competitive.
Here I was thinking that when you have a business in the capitalist society, you keep your customers with "sales incentives" , ie: discounts, rebates, exclusivity deals etc. The governments want to promote successful business, as long as it's not too successful. Make up your minds.
When it's all said and done, <b><u>it's just a fucking phone</u></b>. <br> Get yourself a secretary (PA for the politically correct among you) instead. They can do a lot more than any phone, and mine (little floozy that she is) can even make me smile when I'm having a crap day.
Tasmanian politicians wanted to filter "fun stuff" at the ISP, thus preventing their constituents (the inbred lot) from any contact with porn.
Helen Coonan wants to supply "net nanny" type software free of charge to all Australian households so they can make up their own minds as to whether to censor or not. That is, the parents are responsible. What a shock, parents being responsible for their kids.
A lot of difference,
when you read all the reviews, they all seem to dismiss the (phone)call quality of the iPhoney as merely adequate, or below average. Isn't this the single most important factor for a phone? It will do 437 different functions, but as a phone it is crap.
You want something to do all this stuff and more? Get yourself a secretary.
Consider how the batteries are made. The nickel is mined in Canada (at a minesite that has caused so much environmental damage it looks like a moonscape). It is then shipped to Europe for processing, then to Russia for further processing, then onto Japan to be fitted to the car.
Then at 100,000km (or thereabouts), the whole lot has to be replaced. Definately green. The Prius and its ilk are purely designed to make people feel as though they are helping the environment.
Considering that 'climate change' is a purely natural occurence (global warming now, global cooling in a few decades), I can see a lot of people getting their fingers burnt (pun intended) rushing to get 'green'.
Simply put, you could shut every factory in the world and take every car off the road, and we will still have 'global warming', because we cannot control that large nuclear reactor in the sky.
On the strength of that work of fiction "the convenient lie" he is going to run anyway. Whoever wins between the other two male candidates (Obama and Clinton) will be offered the VP job.
You don't seriously think he was concerned about the environment do you. It was purely to get his profile up, and con the world in the meantime.
Reducing the price of DVD's and CD's so that there is no point (or profit) in stealing/pirating. Get rid of all copy protection so consumers don't have compatibility issues with their legitimately purchased products, and most importantly, how about making movies that are worth buying copies. Just because a movie cost $300 million to make, doesn't mean it's any good.