Another Day...
... another Corfield hate piece on the Vega+.
I guess he must be mates with either Andrews or Smith.
6 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Aug 2008
I was looking forward to the release of this title, but was incredibly disappointed. The control method, at least on the PS3 version that I bought, is far from intuitive, and the lack of a head up display means that the player frequently has no idea in which direction they are supposed to head in, or why they are taking damage, given that almost all the enemies blend into the background like chameleons!
As Greg J Preece says, the PS2 Armada-inspired game is a great game - and is head and shoulders above this one. I'd even go so far as to say that even the two movie titles were better than this.
After several hours frustration, I decided to trade the game in, and got Batman: Arkham Asylum instead - same engine... MUCH better game!