Re: just delete the B&N advertising apps
With Kindle paperwhite you have an option to get rid of ads legally BTW
808 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Aug 2008
And Microsoft had web maps at least 6 years before Google: "Bing Maps was based on existing Microsoft technologies such as Microsoft MapPoint, and TerraServer", and the latter was "under continuous operation from June 1998". Guess do MS have any patents for the tech?
Not necessarily true. First digital maps were created before Google was even founded: "Etak, founded in 1984, was the first company to digitize the maps of the world, as part of the first commercial automotive navigation system". Google didn't develop its maps, it bought Australian company Where 2 Technologies in October 2004. I very much doubt that either Where 2 Technologies or Google hold any of original digital map patents...
Apple just hates Samsung and wants to kill it (it's the same as when Bill Gates hated Philippe Kahn personally and wanted to squeeze Borland from market). Apple methodically tries to destroy its main competitor by cutting as much of its profits as possible (remember the Punic Wars -- never pay money to your enemy).
Both emacs and vim exist for Windows, so this proves nothing. In order to compile ts code one presumably needs a tsc (ts compiler). Get your popcorn and watch:
$ git clone
$ cd typescript
$ make
Makefile:123: *** missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?). Stop.
"TypeScript is free, open source and compiles into garden-variety JavaScript that Microsoft has taken pains to state repeatedly will run on any browser, host or operating system". Surly they meant "will run on any Microsoft browser, host or operating system" instead, didn't they?
BTW, do you know which UNICes did have ACLs at the time?
IBM AIX had ACLs since at least 1991 (most probably since 1990).
Not sure about HP-UX, looks like it had lsacl/chacl commands since at least 1994 (v9.05?).
Solaris got ACLs in v2.5 (1995).
Digital UNIX got ACLs in v4.0 (1996).
Bill Gates did his side bet when doing Windows 1.x and 2.x series in parallel to developing Presentation Manager for IBM. When Windows 3.0 came out it became apparent that MS Windows was winning over IBM's OS/2. Windows 3.1 strengthened Microsotf's grip on the market even more. Thus, Windows 95 was absolutely of no risk for Microsoft.
"Logitech have previously stated that due to licencing issues they aren't able to produce drivers for Linux distros"
I always thought that you don't need no edu^Hspecific driver for USB keyboard or mouse - they are handled just fine by generic USB HID driver (usbhid.ko), or by even simpler usbkbd/usbmouse drivers...
Some boxers are said to have a heart (apple) and public loves them despite all their illogical behaviour, while others (microsoft, google) are just soulless boxing machines. So yes, people will definitely forgive this Inferior Maps App, which will be polished and improved BTW
> Most boxes are assembled from standard components.
> Only by building it yourself can you be sure that every component is l33t. W34k components will cripple your machine.
> Also, it is not enough to just buy l33t components. You must select them with a skill and assemble them with care.
What you've just said proves that Google's intentions are not that obvious as you are. Google doesn't care about developers or iOS users. Developing in java2objc fashion means that Android apps would work OK but iOS ports would be terrible without extensive manual tuning (BTS, have you ever tried to find errors in autoconf-generated ./configure scripts)? Then users would grow frustrated with inferior iOS versions of apps and developers would grow frustrated with fixing and patching the inferior iOS versions of their apps, and voila, profit!
If Google's gnomes really wanted to help anyone besides themselves, they'd develop two-way java <==> objc converter