weaponized malware?
Did it kill anyone? No? So why TF?
808 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Aug 2008
That's not Windows' prices yet. To come equal, MS should have added Windows 8 Home price to the price of Office 2013 Home for Mac. E.g. price Office 2013 Home for Windows at $120 and Office 2013 Home for Mac at $220 ($220 == $120 for Office itself and $100 compensation for having not bought Windows 8 Home, bitch).
There is revenue but there are expenses too. If you employ tens of thousands of 200k per year programmers, project and product managers, R&D etc in USA, who make your software, does the UK government still think that your UK subsidiary conjures up s/w boxes out of thin air somehow?
they refused to replace broken hinge on my macbook air 2009 - in 2012, while it was also a known problem. Screw them.
All this really is about conflict of interests. If UK government want more taxes from Google/Amazon/etc, they should try harder - first, they should replace corporate tax with sales tax or other kind of tax that's applied to revenues instead of profits. And the government have all the rights and means to do that. On the other hand, Google/Amazon/etc have full right to decide not to sell/serve/provide anything in the UK anymore. Let's wait and see who loses more.
You are completely wrong here: "someone at IBM decided that LAN based network should be a premium and people should pay twice the price for OS/2 Warp connect. This proved disastrous.
Right about this time, Microsoft had released Windows for Workgroups, which was all about LAN / NetBEUI access, but they even did throw out a free TCP/IP protocol upgrade. Windows NT 3.1 had finally shipped, and it too included LAN TCP/IP support" (http://virtuallyfun.superglobalmegacorp.com/?p=739)
So the problem isn't with nVidia drivers obviously. Not that there aren't problems with nVidia drivers in Linux at all, just not these. With laptops there are a lot of proprietary crap and bad choices of hardware, especially in Sony laptops (e.g. camera in UX), but situation with drivers is significantly better than with Windows (XP 64, anyone? Support for SB16 in Windows 8 Pro? Bluetooth stacks other than IIRC Broadcom?)
OK, about your points:
2x more RAM - all eaten by fulll blown NT kernel vs mobile-optimized OS (CE, iOS, Android, QNX/BBRY etc)
2x more storage - all eaten up by full blown NT install with 4 versions of .NET framework DLLs etc
WP8 - hardly a benefit
2nd Generation Gorilla Glass - who gives a fsck?
Bluetooth a.b vs Bluetooth c.d - see above
P.S. sir, you are an idiot