* Posts by Ramazan

808 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Aug 2008

Debian founder Ian Murdock killed himself – SF medical examiner


Re: Just Some Questions

"Was there a place where he tied off the electrical cord; balcony, stair railing, overhead light fixture . . . showing abrasion from the wire? Possibly a piece of the electrical cord still hanging? Or not?"

There's a link to PDF report in the article; on its page 4 it says a vacuum cleaner was fixed at the top of stairs and vacuum cleaner cord around Ian's neck.


Re: " his girlfriend at the time, Debra Lynn, was the Deb. "

Naming a US Aircraft Carrier Ship after Theodore Roosevelt was presumably too like getting a tattoo with their name?

Linux letting go: 32-bit builds on the way out


Major Linux distributions what? Wait, all the two of them - Debian and RHEL? Oops, no, some "Ubunty" and "OpenSUSE" distros? Never heard of them before, why should I care?

Here's how police arrested Lauri Love – and what happened next


the agency believed

"The agency believed their courier ruse had been necessary because, they claimed, intelligence had suggested that Love's computer equipment could be encrypted “at the press of a button”"

-- WTF?

"the NCA denied that any such assurances would have been given, stating that “all officers at the scene were experienced Cyber investigators [who] would know the length of time it takes to forensically examine computers"

-- forensically examine their asses the only thing they would know. If they think typical (terabyte) HDD can become magically encrypted at the press of a button, they are idiots.


The consensus in international law is that a state does not have any obligation to surrender an alleged criminal to a foreign state, because one principle of sovereignty is that every state has legal authority over the people within its borders

Not in The United Fucking Kingdom, though.


"Some countries, such as Austria,[6] Brazil,[7] the Czech Republic,[8] France,[9][10] Germany,[11] Japan,[12] the People's Republic of China,[13] the Republic of China (Taiwan),[14] Russia[15] and Switzerland[16] forbid extradition of their own nationals."

Cracking Android's full-disk encryption is easy on millions of phones – with a little patience


> Less than 6 million settings


Lenovo scrambling to get a fix for BIOS vuln


lamedoor at best

Read the https://github.com/Cr4sh/ThinkPwn first:

"It means that original vulnerability was fixed by Intel in the middle of 2014. Unfortunately, there was no any public adviosries, so, it's still not clear that Intel or Lenovo actualy knew about it. There's a high possibility that old Intel code with this vulnerability currently present in firmware of other OEM/IBV vendors."

Server-jacking exploits for ImageMagick are so trivial, you'll scream


Re: That's the unix way of doing things..

> when the hardware constraint went away,

> narrow minded people didn't understand

> it was no longer the right way

When CPU power and screen estate became plenty, wide minded people decided that putting ability to execute code (or bytecode or whatever) in every image, data and hypertext format on the Internet was a great idea. Enjoy.


Re: Who's using ImageMagick on the server?

> I've used ImageMagick on Python sites as well; functionally it's miles ahead of PIL.

I used PIL with Python and GD with Perl just because I didn't like ImageMagick's bloat.

Linux infosec outfit does a Torvalds, rageblocks innocent vuln spotter


Re: grsecurity

> So grsecurity react to a hole in grsecuritys software

> by banning anyone that mentions the issue in grsecurity's software?

I sent a patch to spender once and he just accepted it, without any Monty Python Shitfan Circus stuff.

US anti-encryption law is so 'braindead' it will outlaw file compression


Instead of focusing on the concept of freedom, guys here attempt at "clever" joking along the lines of "as it won't work in reverse and add back the data removed – this code could be banned by the law, too". Yeah, that's funny while it lasts, but I see no problem in fixing the proposed law so that everything is fine with jpegs and mpegs and shit while NSA is allowed to use strong crypto and you aren't.

DARPA's made a SELF-STEERING 50-cal bullet – with video proof


> Perhaps I oughta spend less time on the

> range and more time in the shops!

perharps you should spend more time educating your gremlin self. Guided munitions start at $10000 per unit nowadays.

Kaspersky Lab hits back at Bloomberg's Russian spy link hit piece


"...Garry Kondakov sent an email ... Kaspersky Lab says the email never existed."

Existense of the email can be verified with DKIM signature.

Juniper, Amdocs show off vCPE


"The JunOS-based vSRX Firefly firewall covers basic functions like IPSec VPN, NAT, QoS and routing integration, threat management and intrusion prevention, and supports multiple CPUs, virtual NICs, and session-based forwarding."

Any GNU/Linux box would do the same just fine.

Mummy, what's the point of Evgeny Morozov's tedious columns?



SamSUNK! Korean giant's electronics biz takes punch to the smartphone profits


Re: Apple does not bake their own silicon

> where they've got too many models

the first thing Steve Jobs did when he'd returned to the Apple was to reduce number of Mac models to just four -- PowerBook, iBook, PowerMac and iMac. With phones you must only have 2 models -- PowerSamsungPhone and CheapSamsungPhone, and the Apple managed to do with just one, BTW.

All that high-end, medium and low-end is utter bullshit. It's either high or low, there's no middle ground.

Armouring up online: Duncan Campbell's chief techie talks crypto with El Reg


Local storage: Truecrypt

There's a better option: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DiskCryptor

Ukraine PM: Hacktivists? C'mon! Russian spies attacked Gov.DE



Vodafone: For Pete's sake! Apple’s 'soft' SIM's JUST AN EE SIM



MiniSIM is convenient for users, nanoSIM and softSIM aren't: you break your phone, you insert your miniSIM in another one and there you go. When your iPhone 5 starts acting strange, you dig up your trusty old RAZR V3 and what do you do? The damn iThing uses nanoSIM FFS!!! Try inserting it in RAZR to make and urgent call. Good luck.

Marc Andreessen: Edward Snowden is a 'textbook traitor'


Re: Bread. Butter. - could it be...

While Marc has the right to believe that Snowden is a Russian spy (USA is supposedly a free country), his notion that the scale of operations of NSA and whatever Russian agency there is is comparable betrays lack of intellect.

Game of Thrones written on brutal medieval word processor and OS


illustrations for the latest (3rd) edition of Introduction to Algorithms have still been produced using MacDraw Pro, so what?

Please work for nothing, Mr Dabbs. What can you lose?


"AND get paid to do so AND you want to get paid a second time to celebrate your poor judgement?"

In fact, articles by mr.Dabbs, ms.Stob and probably by mr.Orlowsky are the only worth content on this site nowadays. Quality of other El Reg's content have fallen below the lowest ligger bottom IMNSHO.

Russia 'incompatible with the internet', cries web CEO 'axed by Putin'


Durov and his money

Durov in Russian means "son (descendant) of a female fool".

JFYI, son of a male fool would be Durakov.


any criticism of ukrainian "government" gets deleted from their sites and Facebook accounts. "govt" "offenders" get blocked permanently.


rather, fool is incompatible with his company

Rejoice, Russians! The annexation of Crimea is complete and legitimate – Google Maps proves it


the matrix

you can use TOR and specify geoIP-based exit policy -- this way you can see the matrix from any viewpoint, including viewpoint of your fella merkins

Boss of Russia's Facebook says Putin cronies have taken over his company


el reg shouldn't mess with the politics

karma -1

Vladimir Putin says internet is a 'CIA project'


el reg shouldn't mess with politics

karma -1

Ex–Apple CEO John Sculley: Ousting Steve Jobs 'was a mistake'


why, not that ugly photo again...

P.S. If Sculley didn't fire Jobs, the Apple would sustain even heavier losses trying to produce and sell $10000 (a la NeXT) and $135000 (a la Pixar) computers.

SPARC and Solaris will live until at least 2019

Paris Hilton

Re: You clearly don't understand what "high-end" means if you cite HPC

"High-end" deals with LPC (low performance computing) then?

Original iPhone dev team was 'shockingly small' - Apple engineer


Re: A hideously inefficient hardware design

"had poor power consumption, had 2G only, had a poor camera, no video recording, no secondary camera, no expandable memory, no removable battery, no GPS, no 3rd party application support, silly SIM tray thing"

* "poor power consumption" - a lie. Lasted 2 days, the same as any touchscreen smartphone

* "2G only" - another lie. It had EDGE support (2.75G)

* "poor camera" - not needed in a phone, go buy yourself a proper gear

* "no video recording" - a lie. You could do that on a jailbroken iPhone

* "no secondary camera" - only needed for 3G and skype video calls, no big deal IMO

* "no expandable memory" - no need for this, just don't be cheap and buy 16GB version. If you fill 16GB fast and are unable to manage your data, then microSD cards won't help you too

* "no removable battery" - same as most smartphones today

* "no GPS" - not a big problem - very few phones had it built in at the time (e.g. Nokia E90)

* "no 3rd party application support" - clearly a lie, it was lacking only until iOS 2

* "silly SIM tray thing" - you call it silly? It's clearly a great feature, I liked it very much on Moto StarTAC 130 and on iPhone too. It allows you to swap SIM card on the fly - without turning phone off

"We laughed our heads off" - it seems you've remained in this state ever since.

Microsoft frisked blogger's Hotmail inbox, IM chat to hunt Windows 8 leaker, court told


Kibkalo is a ukrainian family nam, not Russian

Windows XP market share GROWS AGAIN, outstrips Win 8.1 surge


Only yesterday night I managed to reset password for my WinXP JP edition using live-build, ntfs-3g and chntpw, and today I get the news that "Windows XP market share grows again"

LinkedIn censors self to launch in China


IMHO it's more like "we need their money more than we care about freedom".

Is modern life possible without a smartphone?


I use StarTAC 130 as my main phone, I store SMSes and contact list on SIM card. When somebody sends me UCS16 SMS (rare occasion) or I need to fetch my email via IMAP over GPRS or there's no GSM signal at 900MHz, I insert my SIM card to other (2.5G) phone.

Intel bungs PC on an SD: Tiny computer for Internet of Things and wearables


computer on SD card?

Intel thinks it's news? Eye-Fi have been doing this for ages (camera writes image to SD mass storage device provided by SD card, then embedded CPU/OS running on the SD card uploads image to Eye-Fi server).

Google BLASTS BACK at Apple, Microsoft, Sony in Android patent WAR


Re: Google doesn't spy, it gets to know people

I agree fully -- the best way to know your frends better is to plant tracking devices into their pockets.

Mine with the one of course


Re: iSony is indirectly suing itself

Wrong. Sony is licensed to both Rockstar's and Android's patents, so it's entitled to use Rockstar technology [present in Android, if that's true].


Re: Its like creating money out of thin air through legal extortion

I don't see how it's different from what Google does for living - they are creating money from thin air spying on its users and selling ads (they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns etc and so on. They do not even produce their own Android smartphones. Neither do they pay taxes fully).

Official: Apple hooks up with WORLD'S LARGEST MOBILE OPERATOR


I'd bet China can force Apple to rethink their miniSIM->microSIM->nanoSIM trend and return to miniSIM.

Tube be or not tube be: Apple’s CYLINDRICAL Mac Pro is out tomorrow


AMD FirePro

If Apple were at least marginally interested in satisfying customer needs, they'd use nVidia videocards instead (better performance per watt, plus nVidia do provide drivers for Linux).

P.S. AMD provide "kinda driver" for Linux too, but it doesn't work.


Re: it does look different

Vertical cylinder with single 120/140/160mm fan on top, bottom or in the middle, with filtered air intake at bottom and exhaust at top is a quite obvious design for single fan PC. I had this in mind at least as far back as 2005 -- there's nothing special about the idea, IMHO. Crucial factor is quality of implementation though, and I doubt Apple are able to pull it.

El Reg's contraptions confessional no.3: the Apple G4 Cube


@Bad Beaver

"and did not peddle as much crap designed to last no longer than 24 months"

actually, longer than 36 months, fixed it for ya. My $2150 MacBook Air lasted slightly more than 36 months until 1st its left hinge broke and then its motherboard died (I replaced both myself, cost me something like $10 for two Chinese hinges, about $300 for mobo, $30 for two dozens of MoodyTools screwdrivers and ArcticSilver thermo-paste). Battery on this MBA is still alive though, but the /!\ sign in upper right corner tells that it "needs to be replaced soon".

I will never buy new MacBook Air or Pro, because battery is glued dead there, I doubt I'd be able to fix anything in it and I'm 100% sure they won't last more than 3 years.

cf: Sony Vaio X505ZP, works OK since 2004 to this day.

P.S. I've got G4 Cube BTW, but internal power regulator board got its capacitors busted - I'd say Apple _never_ produced a kit that'd last

Snowden latest: NSA stalks the human race using Google, ad cookies


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KILL SWITCH 'BLOCKED by cell operators' to pad PROFITS, thunders D.A.



operators also opposed/oppose demands to implement EIRs (databases of stolen IMEIs) on the same grounds