* Posts by Ramazan

808 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Aug 2008


Gaddafi death reports likely to spawn multiple scams

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"They posed for photos, flashing victory signs, and burst into jubilant cries of "God is great.""

You know, I didn't want to be biased toward muslims, I event have my copy of Koran, although with my half-bleached dried vomit upon it from the days I drank too much vodka (10 years ago or more), but I can't believe:

1. in G-d altogether, in any form (Jewish, Christian, or old-testament-rip-off-Allah, worse than cheap IBM PC clones of the day, or cheap Chinese iClones, fuck you stupid muslims)

2. even if G-d existed, that he'd give any attention to those Lybian animals (great unwashed) that killed Gaddafi in unfair fight

Jobs: 'I'll spend my dying breath destroying Android'


cheap iClones

Steve hasn't deserved this, at least not even close to the degree that Bill Gates had (remember IBM PC and its clones)? Compaq is dead, thanks G-d, but IMO that was too small price for their thievery.

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Abe Lincoln must die

I totally agree with Jobs WRT Schmidt. Weirdo muzdie 100%, but bringing this up jut after Steve's death is at least unethical.

Michael Dell declines to eat his Apple (humble) pie


why do both of the guys

hold half of their feet higher than their respective a$ses?

RIM lifts skirt, flashes 'new' OS at devs


@nobody thinks they have a chance

They don't. It became obvious when iPhone has got Yahoo! push mail support, then gmail's

Ballmer disses Android as cheap and complex

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what an ugly excuse for a face

does this ballmer have...

Steve Jobs memorial brings out tech titans... and Bono


... and Bono

Why are you surprised considering that Apple produced iPod U2 SE for so many years?

Apple versus Samsung: key points in the ruling


TVs, cars etc.

Were invented and mass-produced more than 25 years ago and nearly all patents related to general look and feel have long since expired

Amazon Kindle 4



There's also Kindle (4) Touch in USofA, and it has sound support BTW

Apple wins for now: no Galaxy 10.1 in Oz


Mercedes S-class is a copy of a Lexus 460?

Well, quite the contrary -- Lexus is cheap (almost twice cheaper) copy^H^H^H^Hanalogue of Mercedes-Benz S-Class. Samsung's Tab isn't a copy too IMHO, but the Oz court thought different...

Sony Ericsson Mix Walkman

Paris Hilton

retro phone

It's powered by obsolete OS but sports touchscreen? I don't get it. Why not just use a keyboard? IMO remake of Moto RAZR V3i with 3G an 3.5 jack would do much better in the market, given that RAZR is metal and stylich while Walkman is cheap plastic and ugly.

Quote of the Week: 'I shave my balls for this?'


How dare you knave

to mix balls shaving and death of Jobs?

"to beat them in integer arithmetic and then there will be nothing left" -- except single precision FP, then double precision FP, then extended precision (80bit) FP, then yet something and so on etc.

P.S. Трусы и сало. No respect for dead.

'Silent majority' is content with elderly Java, says startup


These include CloudBees

They'd better include cloudBeers like Google do or rest of world won't care

Google hits the boozer with own brand of beer


I had my 1.5 litre of 10% faxe and 7.2% biere du desert, thanks. 12.5% bier du demon was absent from my supermarke though

Ten... Androids to outshine the iPhone 4S

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@Kindle Fire ain't a phone

All that crap from LG, Samsung, HTC, Motorola and Google can only sell better than iPhone if it costs less than $200, that's what original comment about Kindle Fire was going to highlight. $550 for Samsung Galaxy S2? Are you joking?


these times it takes 10 of 'em

to outshine lone iPhone

Intellectual Ventures wages patent war on Motorola



Of course they do. They produce Intellectual Property, and the production is costly as they spent $400m buying patents (CapEx). Their OpEx are negotiators/lawyers expenses, and they even managed to make profit :)

Can a user really do BI from the desktop?


@Dan 10

And? If your average Joe-The-Business-Analyst could get his dirty hands on a brand new shiny 1024 core BI workstation with let's say 2 TB of DRAM (cf Oracle new machine) and all the necessary CDR data will it make TP dept happy then?

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@Gordon 10

Problem with BI is to pick up a worthy man, not the one like you who have only learnt terms like BI, accuracy, relevance etc, to give him a decent _workstation_ (like the SiCortex SC072-PDS) or machine time (remember PDP-10?) to solve problems.


definition of desktop, please?

if http://www.ebay.com/itm/SiCortex-SC072-PDS-72-core-48GB-MIPS64-Cluster-System-/290568230232, then certainly yes. In fact, I was able to do some data analysis on 1.2GB RAM notebook using in-memory sqlite DB and this was 10x faster than production Oracle (because all data fit in RAM nicely).

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@Gordon 10

Neither Perl, nor sed nor awk nor grep do, you also meant, didn't you? Thanks to idiots like you there's a huge market called BI then

Sony Ericsson: 'We dropped the ball on iPhone'

IT Angle

Bert Nordberg hasn't written a singe fucking line of code

he's just a luser by definition then, so I'd not cite his blah blah on IT site like theregister

What's not in the iPhone 4S ... and why

IT Angle

450MHz band popular around the Scandinavian countries and across Russia

and in Ukraine too BTW

iPhone 5: Apple 4S, pundits 0


nothing to do with "video through IO"

"27 June 1983, the date considered the birthday of the MSX standard", while IBM PC was announced on 12 April 1981, and Japanese market was dominated by NEC then (so that MSX was a sort of asylum for 3rd league manufacturers).


@The MSX was poorly implemented

Really? Go compare eBay prices on your shitty Commodore vs Japanese computers, though

The iPhone 4S in depth: More than just a vestigial 'S'

Paris Hilton

Android games?

Are you serious? How about http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marathon_(video_game)?

Red Hat engineer renews attack on Windows 8-certified secure boot



I have read the spec you mentioned. These your statements are wrong:

"The spec mandates that there must be a method to clear the platform and enter 'Setup Mode' again if the keys are lost. This most likely requires re-seating a jumper or something similar to assert 'somebody is really physically at the hardware'."

What's said there is different from your version:

27.5.2 Clearing The Platform Key

The platform owner clears the public half of the Platform Key (PKpub) by calling the UEFI Boot Service SetVariable() with a variable size of 0 and resetting the platform. If the platform is in setup mode, then the empty variable does not need to be authenticated. If the platform is in user mode, then the empty variable must be signed with the current PKpriv; see Section 7.2 for details.

This means that once platform is in "user" mode with MS keys, you're screwed.



Best of all would be to force (by law, of cource) OEMs to ship BIOS/EFI source code _and_ build environment with every MB they sell.

Put down the Java manual


high frequency trading experience

Did he mean low latency trading experience instead?

Amazon to whup Apple rivals when Kindle Fire hits UK



But you forgot that "the average sales tax is around 7.25%" in USA in comparison to 20% in your kingdom

Microsoft staff savage Ballmer at company confab


Altair BASIC copy of DEC?

You are certainly wrong. With all of my disrespect towards MS I have to admit that Altair BASIC was a good job by BillG. He wrote cross-assembler (from PDP-10 to 8080) and 8080 emulator that ran on PDP-10. The Altair BASIC itself allowed two letter variable names, multiple statements per line (colon separated), it had interactive interpreter (like python and Tcl have today) etc.



"Windows was nothing more than a cheap ripoff of MacOS". Really? Then MacOS was expensive ripoff of Xerox Alto.

In fact, Apple licensed the GUI from Xerox and MS licensed it from Apple, so there's no quarrel. Everyone was free to develop their GUI shell as they liked. Xerox failed to commercialize Alto innovations. Apple succeeded. MS followed.


did MS copied everything?

No. They didn't steal others' ideas, they paid for the privilege to use them [exclusively]. No one stopped Apple from purchasing Kinect, for example, probably they just weren't interested in the tech, or didn't have use for it or didn't offered enough money to PrimeSense. So what's the problem? All corporations do this, some (i mean Apple) better, than others (I mean MS).


Kinect is based on

"Kinect is based on range camera technology by Israeli developer PrimeSense". So what? Most things are invented by human beings, not corporations (e.g. multi-touch technology), but some companies are able to recognize innovation when it falls down on them while others aren't.



I'd not call them "imported". DOS was licensed, ported to PC, then bought completely and extended greatly. NT was developed by Dave Cutler inside MS premises, not while he worked at DEC, so the only import was Dave himself (MS should better "import" Thompson, Ritchie or Kernighan IMO, but having had Xenix and euthanized it, those guys had to worry if MS did)

IT Angle

MS glory days

When were they, please remind me? Only MS Altair BASIC was something never eclipsed by competing products IMO. MS-DOS had competition from DR, and it's not for MS-DOS itself but for all the great DOS games that we remember that era. NT was OK (up to and including 3.51), but it's API is a kludge. W95/NT4.0 were just adequate. Thanks to MS Office we now have OpenOffice and that's all that's good about MS.

Microsoft delivers fatal blow to yet another botnet


innocent subdomains of cz.cc

were brought down too by MS, because MS is too lazy and technically incompetent to block only botnet traffic from cz.cc

"Now that Microsoft has obtained the cz.cc domain, it is working with Piatti to determine which ones are being used legitimately, so customers of his can get back online quickly."

MS denies secure boot will exclude Linux

Paris Hilton

"can be disabled, if OEMs want"

OEMs wouldn't probably able to make up their minds about the subject all by themselves / They "sit alone, waiting for suggestions" (RevCo)



So, servers will be sold with unlocked UEFI, right, but this won't help you to find small portable computer (I mean notebook) able to run Your Unix of Choice, won't it? Or will you go to work with 1U server in your bag?

Mine with low power SFF 72 core MIPS64 PDS cluster in the pocket

Paris Hilton


So one has to pay for freedom twice: first for unnecessary windows 8 that came bundled with a computer, then for the right to use another OS on the said computer, correct?


@Pirate Dave

Yes, http://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/5850.html: "we've already been informed by hardware vendors that some hardware will not have this option."

Mine with the list of bastards in one pocket and sawed off shotgun in another


BIOS option

There is no BIOS option to turn on Intel VT-x bit in Sony VAIO VGN-UX BIOS, and the same is true for many other contemporary VAIO notebooks: SZ, TZ, TX series just to name a few. I suspect the similar story will most probably happen with Windows 8 VAIO notebooks, with no BIOS option to turn off boot signature verification.

Windows 8 secure boot would 'exclude' Linux


@Adam Nealis

Wrong, GNU's Not Unix, but this is just blah blah and has nothing to do with what I'm saying here. Oracle (and Java probably too) aren't supported on FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, fooBSD and barBSD while they are on RHEL, SLES, HP-UX, Solaris, AIX and even on Tru64 and this is what matters for server. If you are OK with limited box, then you may go with SheevaPlug and happily live together ever after. Most customers aren't and they want Linux


@Jeff 11

MS can try to offer discounts on bundled windows 8 or 9 to those and only those of OEMs who build "locked" systems...


@AC 18:54

What do you mean by server then? Secondhand SPARC running plan9? Don't be silly, there is no open source UNIX other than some kind of RHEL on enterprise servers

Apple MacBook Air 11in Core i5 notebook


@Will 10

Totally agree with you regarding Sony VAIO Z. I've bought my MBA 1.5 years ago because it was considerably cheaper than Z but similar in other aspects,.. but there's still some tech like switching between discrete (nVidia) and on-board video in real-time which simply isn't in Apple products (yet).

Samsung may try to block next iPhone in Europe too



Please take time to read and comprehend the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_v._Microsoft

Xerox did sue Apple.



Actually, Samsung invented AMOLED

Google's Native Client goes live in Chrome


@Halting problem

In fact, you don't need to solve halting problem to prove safety. Plugin stops responding, so what? Just kill it and go on.

There's another show stopper though: you cannot execute native code safely without some kind of VM, and there are still problems for braindead architectures like e.g. x86 (AFAIU secure virtualization is only possible on AMD-V Intel VT-x processors (and not possible on Atom)).

Intel demos ultra low-juice chippery


@AC 00:14

"two watts or less in a handheld – a hundred gigaflops in your hand". It looks to me that even dual core ARM @1GHz cannot get you anywhere near the 100GFLOPS:

"As of 2010, the fastest six-core PC processor reaches 109 GFLOPS (Intel Core i7 980 XE)[14] in double precision calculations".

Regarding the 2W goal -- you're right, they should be aiming well below 1W (better below 0.5W) power to be taken seriously at "handheld" market.
