* Posts by Ramazan

808 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Aug 2008


Shuttleworth: Why Windows 8 made us ditch GPL Linux loader


He joined the gang

and received its secret mark of The Beast. Fuck you, The Space Tourist Hardly Worth of a Shuttle.

Calxeda ramping up ARM server boards


Re: saturated?

148809 reqs/s max using 64 byte frames for fully compliant Fast Ethernet implementation. If interframe gap is omitted, then it's possible to get up to 173611reqs/s. With gigabit ethernet just multiply these figures by 10.



Gigabit ethernet link saturated at 6950 reqs/s? You know, even Fast Ethernet (100mbit/s) link can deliver up to 148000 req/s IIRC and sometimes even more (with some non-fully compliant implementaions).

Numbers don't lie: Apple's ascent eviscerates Microsoft


Windows units in _1984_?

Are you counting OEM preorders or what? (Windows 1.0 was released only on November 20, 1985).

Leap second bug cripples Linux servers at airlines, Reddit, LinkedIn



BTW, Intagram also went down yesterday, and this was probably caused by the same bug.

P.S. Will we see anyone fron the Linux community falling on sword?

Web stat WTF: iOS beats Android 3 to 1, iOS and Android tied


I don't care about any statistics, but me myself grabs every fsking opportunity to use iPad for sofa-based web browsing instead of anything else (including MacBook Air).

Microsoft silently kills silent, automatic Skype install via Updates


@Michael B.

And again, this Youcam crapware most probably got to machine thanks to Microsof's OEM or driver certification policy.


Re: then you only have your self to blame

Nope. Proper operating system must have sane and secure default settings, so that apt-get update followed by apt-get upgrade won't result in system breakage or pwnage.



OK, you ain't seen nothing yet, buddy, it's pretty obvious. Proper operating systems in their stable branch have 2 magical commands: "apt-get update" and "apt-get upgrade", that will perform proper update with no skypes attached. Case solved.



Hello, Captain Huggies! Nice to meet you again. Grown men use separate development, testing and production environments, and of course every goddamn update from Comverse, Cisco, Alcatel-Lucent, Siemens, SAP, Oracle, LHS or g-d forbid HP is thoroughly tested in testing environment before being pushed to production.

AMD and Intel mainstream desktop CPUs


If you know anything about modern CPUs, mainstream is in $125 through $250 range, and there's not that much choice there -- most cost/power efficient ones are still Intel's Core i3 and i5 (especially 22nm i5-3xxxK ones), period.


"CPUs priced over $220 offer rapidly diminishing returns when it comes to game performance. As such, we have a hard time recommending anything more expensive than the Core i5-2500K.. Even at stock clocks, it meets or beats the $1000 Core i7-990X Extreme Edition when it comes to gaming."

I'd still recommend 3470K over 2500K because of lower TDP though.


Re: OS's are increasingly reliant on graphics capabilities

Sorry, I'll rephrase it myself: desktop OSes are increasingly reliant on graphics capabilities. And that's sad. On the other hand, modern OSes slowly move towards nanokernel-based architectures, which allow moving all hw/graphics processing to isolated less-privileged servers

Nexus 7 and Surface: A bonanza for landfill miners


Re: the only one that came close to the iPad was the TouchPad

Did you mean the HP TouchPad with webOS? BTW regarding the Asus Transformer, my friends called it Squeaky Drawer.


Re: the original iPhone hardware was quite pathetic

Pathetic is your fixation on hardware / specifications, while what matters are design and functionality (2 aspects of user experience). Hardware doesn't matter as long as it doesn't get in the way (cf Stallman's MIPS64 notebook).


Re: Win8 might be a good platform for devs

Windows might never be a good platform for development (cross or native, whatever). UNIX is and already was.

Microsoft: no plans to make own phones


It'll get the same fate as Zune




Re: I doubt Nokia has any long term plans

"Microsoft remains satisfied with its current manufacturing partners."

I'm starting to suspect Microsoft in necrophilia...

Crypto boffins: RSA tokens can be cracked in 13 MINUTES


Re: and get the same result

while also saving some paper, oxygen and cold.

UK Supremes back Oracle against reseller who brought Sun kit to EU



If Sun didn't want M-Tech to resell drives elsewhere, it should have specified that explicitly in the sales contract with M-Tech. Then it would be within M-Tech's rights to refuse signing such a contract. I believe the Supreme Court's ruling is wrong here...

Chess algorithm written by Alan Turing goes up against Kasparov


Re: Give me a spec for Intelligence

To reply to you in this comments thread and get predictably better (or worse) up/downvote ratio than you

Choose Smarter: Ten… USB 3.0 External Hard Drives


but there are 2TB drives on the market

like Western Digital My Passport 2 TB USB 3.0 Portable Hard Drive WDBY8L0020BBKNESN ($199 on eBay, $190.86 at Amazon). Why didn't you include it in the review? Of course Samsung M2 (and S2 BTW) is very good drive, but you won't see 1.5TB and 2TB drives from Samsung in the nearest future IMO.

Apple-Moto patent punchup can come into court, says judge


Wow, that glimpse of was completely unexpected.

HP still NOT porting HP-UX to x86?


The only way you can modify x86 instruction set to optimize itanic/pa emulation is to embed sufficient part of itanic/pa core/cores into x86 CPU. Otherwise you are talking about The Java Experience (Knock-knock. Who's there? ... [2 minutes later:] Java).

US officials confirm Stuxnet was a joint US-Israeli op



Does the Stuxnet really make Obama look like a demigod? In comparison to Bush The Junior he's just a mortal. Bush said he would dig Saddam out of his hole and he made it. Good luck to Obama trying to hang Ahmadinejad as well as Bush did with Hussein.

Unix, mainframes drag down servers in Q1

Thumb Up

Re: vendor made socket-compatible chips without getting sued

Wow, this is certainly The Joke of The Day. And all this goodness started with MOS producing their 6501 to be socket-compatible with Motorola 6800 and Motorola not suing them afterwards.

Open API lessons for LinkedIn and Facebook


Open API

Similarly to Free s/w vs Open Source, there might be such a thing as Free API, which is free to be used by everyone, even by your direct competitors. Open API doesn't imply freedom of use. It just means that you can get a technical specification for the API, probably with declarations/headers/libraries.


Re: one of rules of open source is reciprocity

You are confusing Open Source with Free Software here

Steve Jobs speaks from beyond grave: 'iPads are toys'


Jobs speaks from beyond grave?

Certainly you need a Zombie Jobs icon now

Oracle case crippled after judge rules APIs can’t be copyrighted


not so fast

IIRC the case includes not only API declarations (and these shouldn't be copyrightable, of course), but implementations too (some were copied verbatim, and this certainly amounts to copyright infringement (i.e. theft), by every account).


Absinthe 2 lifts iOS 5.1.1 gadgets over garden wall



mxTube is another example of thievery, BTW. Same as recording TV/radio off the air IMO.



Why do you need to run vim on iThing when there's no gcc? I had ssh/vim/etc on jailbroken original iPhone, and it was just playing. There are no productive uses of jailbreaking anymore, except for thieves and liars:

* tethering (packet data you shouldn't have access to)

* pirating apps

* skipping ads when you weren't supposed to

* scanning for hidden SSIDs

* hiding/blacklisting calls and messages

HP started then spiked HP-UX on x86 project



True, and not only engineers are demoralized. HP managed to fuck up with some formal procedures after winning a tender here. So we're looking for a better contractor at the moment to do the job.

Best and the Rest: ARM Mini PCs


Re: you rebuild the kernel to include them

DD-WRT, anyone? Some kernels build, some doesn't (OpenWRT even builds on MacOS X, if you mount buildroot on case-sensitive FS). You are at mercy of Some Vendor here. My advice is to only use H/W which has kernel genuinely packaged by Debian or demand complete source and build environment from The Vendor.


Re: 256MB RAM

Yes I know about kvm/qemu/bochs and x86/ARM. But I need virtualization for my job, and have some knowledge about its memory requirements. Regarding the virtualizing x86 on ARM, I didn't try that yet, but it _may_ still be faster than constantly-swapping-WinXP-with-10-minutes-to-lauch-HPOVSD on 512MB x86 Linux system.


Re: 256MB RAM

256MB and even 512MB is not enough if you run WinXP in kvm (1GB and x86 with VME are necessary for smooth run). Without virtualization the main RAM consumer typically is firefox -- 380MB with 20 tabs open...


Re: Toshiba AC100 on ebay

Toshiba AC100: Buy It Now EUR 306.12 -- $711.89 (3 items, the 306.12 one is the cheapest)

Raspberry Pi: Buy It Now EUR 140.00 -- GBP 145 (2 items plus 3 auctions).

I wouldn't dare to say that "there are plenty of AC100 available" but maybe if you are ready to spend several years on ebay waiting for occasional AC100 bargain this would look different...

HTC phones held up at US ports after Apple patent ban


@h4rm0ny: rather than licencing the patents

No, Alcatel/Lucent/Motorola/Rockwell/Qualcomm/TI/Broadcom/etc do cross-license each other's patents (sometimes this happens after expensive court battles. Typical scenario: if number/value of company X's relavant patents is less than Y's, then after cross-licensing the relevant patents X pays some royalties or fixed sum to Y).

Steve Jobs' death could clear way for more open Apple - Woz


re: secret "test board"

> Woz said: "The Macintosh engineering group snuck a secret test board that could actually expand it but Steve Jobs got wind of that and cut it off."

actual story here:


Sony stock slides to 30-year low after record loss


Kaz Hirai replaces Howard Stringer



Re: A company shouldn't do technology and media at the same time

Why? Apple does it pretty good since iPod era. Well, it doesn't do media, it mostly sells/distributes, but Sony BMG doesn't create music either, it just "helps" musicians to do this. Same with books and games.


Re: Sony Picturebook PCG161L (PCG-C1VP?)

Sony used to make great kit - PCG-U1, UX series, C1 series, U3 and U101. They don't anymore... And by the way, UX computers tend to die in time either due to screen or motherboard failure (reminds me of Fujitsu MPG series HDDs).


_Bodhi_ haven't had a problem with Sony

I had. With UX380n. Motherboard died after warranty period had ended, of course, but why the fsck anyway? It's pretty expensive kit, but not very well designed, it appears. Also, its USB port is underpowered and I messed up several DVD+R blanks using it with LG and Samsung burners. Why, Sony? Was it so hard to implement USB spec properly? Also: firmware for UX's fingerprint scanner is non-standard, custom made for Sony with incompatible interface; EDGE modem is locked; front/back camera switch doesn't work in Linux, Intel Core Solo's VT bit is disabled and there's no way to turn it on in BIOS; etc

Cheap MacBook Airs for all!


re: it's machines aren't radically different

2 errors in single statement. First, it's not "it's" but "its". Second, they are radically different: Macs can (legally) run MacOS, competition cannot do that. --fix'd dat 4 ya

Linux Left 4 Dead port fuels Steam for Ubuntu talk


Re: Finally-

There are also console, TCG, tabletop and LARP gamers. And DOS/Mac/Amiga/C64/MSX/ZX/etc aren't dead yet.
