Most probably it was GNOME's choice of technologes (CORBA/shmorba/.NET/shnet) that infuriated Linus, not De Icaza's Quest For Royal Shit...
808 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Aug 2008
I cannot say for Australia, but here roaming tariffs are mostly derived from roaming agreements' prices. And if French GSM operators are unwilling to go below $10 per megabyte, there's nothing our companies or government can do (except launching own satnet over France).
But when there's demand and mutual will, roaming tariffs can go as low as $0.04 per megabyte (Ukraine-Turkey, Ukraine-Russia).
EDGE is in fact 2.75G (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2.5G#2.75G_.28EDGE.29) and it allows for smth. like 250kbps.
P.S. I have Motorola StarTac GSM phone and it works just fine in Ukraine (and BTW it allows for on-the-run mini-SIM card switching without powering off the phone -- something that Apple iPhone "pioneered" in 2009).
P.P.S. The StarTac doesn't do GPRS at all, (EDGE even needs not apply).
P.P.P.S. Fuck you AT&T
There's not a single mention of Gabe in the Gates: How Microsoft's Mogul Reinvented an Industry - and Made Himself the Reachest Man in America book, but there's one (and the only one) in the Hard Drive: Bill Gates and the Making of the Microsoft Empire, on page 312:
"Dedication quickly turned into fanaticism. Gabe Newell, one of the Windows testers who went on to enjoy a long and successful career at Microsoft, showed up at the office with a sleeping bag. For a solid month, he camped in his office, working around the clock and catching a few catnaps when he could no longer stay awake. He became known as "Madman" Newell from that point on."
Let's drink to that.
On the other hand, NT server is required to have a videocard. On the server. There was a market for 2U ATI Rage XL cards 15 years ago IIRC. I don't have even the Hercules MDA on my 2 Linux routers. It should be a mystery for Microsoft guys that they work at all, but they fucking do.
BTW in order to configure SAP or SAS or whatever requires GUI installer on let's say HP-UX machine you don't need the VGA/SVGA/SXGA/etc-compatible adapter to be physically installed in the box. X11 works just fine (and worked for all those years).
Windows has cmd.exe, and you can always install some kind of POSIX environment like Cygwin there and run sshd, but this won't make it fully scriptable. My job involves systems integration and glueing a lot of things with Tcl/Expect (and bash and awk and grep and sed...). Good luck doing the same with Windows.
CD/DVD drive is necessary to play SecuROM/etc-protected games. Not all of my games are on Steam, so lack of the CD drive is major issue. I already own MacBook Air and it's impossible to play e.g.Battlefield 2142 on it because:
- I need proper USB mouse (Bluetooth one introduces huge lag) and USB CD drive (EA's copy protection) at the same time to play but there's only one USB port on my Air. I don't have USB hub
- MacBook Air overheats in first 5-10 minutes and game slows down to a crawl
I always viewed MacBook Pro as The notebook for gaming (CD built in, proper ventilation, more RAM, larger HDD), but Thank You Mister Allistair, you've just ruined my Apple dream once and for all (Jobs is dead and who's left are idiots).