Re: Maybe it's simpler than that?
Yes they do. But the 'new' models of ruzzian brides know about Amazon Prime and you'll be broke in a year.
145 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Jul 2008
Just search for Musk Busted on youtube and you'll be pleasantly entertained. HyperFlop, Electfuge Trucks, Boring Tunnels on the cheap. This charlatan Musk must go. He's an expert on getting government tax breaks and grants, nothing more. He also can entice politicians into giving him hard earned tax money from the citizens to some of his dream projects.
On behalf of all Americans, I would like to apologize for the MORONS that now run the U.S. Government's most important agencies. We're in a pickle of sorts after this last election, and it will take an impeachment or two to get things right again. One of the deficiencies of our constitution was that there were no lower IQ limits on who could vote, nor who we may elect. Thus resulting in a clown car run government.
Again, my apologies.
If only AMD had joined forces with NVIDIA, this show we're watching would have been totally different.
Instead, they bought ATI, a shit company, with shit drivers. To this day, they still have shit drivers.
You can have the best graphic chip in the world, but if your drivers are SHIT, then, it's game over.
Did I say shit enough, so I'm done with shit.
On the other hand, I have a $180 AMD FX 9590 4.7GHz 8-core CPU with a LEPA Liquid Cooler LPWAC240-HF which totally rocks. The liquid cooler barely keeps the chip from melting when it's at 100 percent usage. I still love it, the bang for the buck cannot be denied.
I'll just say this, and you all know it, if AMD goes under, we'll all pay much higher prices for CPUs. Intel is already expensive for the processing power/price ratio, but your ass will get prison raped if AMD is not there to compete. Some corporate people have bought into the advertising bullshit that Intel is selling and wont buy AMD, even though in many cases that AMD cpu is exactly what they need to compete.
"...The dominant purpose of the exit charge was not to raise revenue but rather to regulate conduct by discouraging the export of capital to protect the domestic economy,"
If the reason they (SA) took that money was to PROTECT the SA economy, then logic says when a big transfer into the country's bank system, the depositor should get 20m also. IN/OUT, balance, you can't argue with that.
And what Chinese plan could possibly be successful for BB. BB can't make a phone that the Chinese will buy at a price that BB can make a profit on. The only plan is to STAY out of china. These types of statements like BB makes, that makes it clear NOT to invest in their company and to SHORT IT.
I see you have a epidemic of 'moron' spreading through your government also. We here in the US have had it for years. Many attempts to eradicate it in politicians has failed. No one will take the stern steps needed to kill it. Those horrific measures needed, such as intelligent VOTING for good clean politicians, seem to be beyond the capabilities of normal 'persons'. True, finding a clean politician is an oxymoron in itself, we must keep trying. Good luck on your endevours, I've pretty much lost hope here in the United Corporations of Amerika (UCA), aka NSA Homeland. (We lost the USA a long time ago).
And don't you know, EVERYONE is a target until proven innocent. That's the way NSA works. Collect it all, let "insert program name here" sort it out later.
I'll say it again. I have no problem with the CIA/NSA etc, doing data collection, but only where a warrant was issued. You can't tell me that in the 21st century, you can't email a judge and in 5 minutes have a warrant.
And really, no juicy pics from any of that surveillance, what's the world coming to ?? /jk
Am I being detained? Am I free to go, RINSE, REPEAT .
I hereby invoke and refuse to waive all of the following rights and
privileges afforded to me by the U.S. Constitution:
I invoke and refuse to waive my Fifth Amendment right to
remain silent. Do not ask me any questions.
I invoke and refuse to waive my Sixth Amendment right to an
attorney of my choice. Do not ask me any questions without my
attorney present.
I invoke and refuse to waive all privileges and rights pursuant
to the case Miranda v. Arizona. Do not ask me any questions or
make any comment to me about this decision.
I invoke and refuse to waive my Fourth Amendment right to be
free from unreasonable searches and seizures. I do not consent to
any search or seizure of myself, my home, or of any property in my
possession. Do not ask me about my ownership interest in any
property. I do not consent to this contact with you. If I am not
presently under arrest or under investigatory detention, please allow
me to leave.
Any statement I make, or alleged consent I give, in response
to your questions is hereby made under protest and under duress and
in submission to your claim of lawful authority to force me to provide
you with information.
It's a sad (der) day in amerika, the United Corporations of Amerika (UCA), no longer the USA. The real story is the State Dept, which pushes corporate weapons contracts around the world, needs the NSA for intel. It has nothing to do with terrorists. It's all about the money.
I'm trying to get everyone I know here to vote Independent and cut all ties to corporate money. It's the ONLY WAY we'll be free again. The gov has put the constitution into the shredder and does not care about the citizenry.
So the NSA will read this, here's some of the code words they stupidly search for:
Waihopai, INFOSEC, Information Security, Information Warfare, IW, IS, Priavacy, Information Terrorism, Terrorism Defensive Information, Defense Information Warfare, Offensive Information, Offensive Information Warfare, National Information Infrastructure, InfoSec, Reno, Compsec, Computer Terrorism, Firewalls, Secure Internet Connections, ISS, Passwords, DefCon V, Hackers, Encryption, Espionage, USDOJ, NSA, CIA, S/Key, SSL, FBI, Secert Service, USSS, Defcon, Military, White House, Undercover, NCCS, Mayfly, PGP, PEM, RSA, Perl-RSA, MSNBC, bet, AOL, AOL TOS, CIS, CBOT, AIMSX, STARLAN, 3B2, BITNET, COSMOS, DATTA, E911, FCIC, HTCIA, IACIS, UT/RUS, JANET, JICC, ReMOB, LEETAC, UTU, VNET, BRLO, BZ, CANSLO, CBNRC, CIDA, JAVA, Active X, Compsec 97, LLC, DERA, Mavricks, Meta-hackers, ^?, Steve Case, Tools, Telex, Military Intelligence, Scully, Flame, Infowar, Bubba, Freeh, Archives, Sundevil, jack, Investigation, ISACA, NCSA, spook words, Verisign, Secure, ASIO, Lebed, ICE, NRO, Lexis-Nexis, NSCT, SCIF, FLiR, Lacrosse, Flashbangs, HRT, DIA, USCOI, CID, BOP, FINCEN, FLETC, NIJ, ACC, AFSPC, BMDO, NAVWAN, NRL, RL, NAVWCWPNS, NSWC, USAFA, AHPCRC, ARPA, LABLINK, USACIL, USCG, NRC
There is only one way to safely transmit your info across the net. It has to be encrypted prior to transmission.
There is no other way around it.
You can encrypt all the links you want, you can encrypt whatever, it doesn't matter unless what leaves your computer is encrypted first.