* Posts by R. B.

4 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Jul 2008

Amid new push to make Pluto a planet again... Get over it, ice-world's assassin tells El Reg

R. B.

Did they just call Pluto a world?

"...like many other objects in our solar system – is a fascinating little world,..."

Um did they just call Pluto a "world"?? Sounds like a planet to me ! Curse you Neil Detyson- Grason ( spelling ?) - just kidding anyways!! Lol

After Death Star II blew: Dissecting the tech of Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens

R. B.

Re: Galatic stagnation

You said it exactly.

As for: "Major warships are now built to last decades. There's no reason to believe that spaceships will be any different."

I would say that tech in the old republic and this "new" post Empire era would be built to last century's or millennium ('s) - think about it - this is a "long long time ago in a....." - So a super advanced and old society really - Tech may have reached the "accelerating change" peak or flat line on its own bell curve. Think of Moore's law I guess.

So, no tech is not advancing that fast - a big ole war happened, the empire got its butt kicked - funds and tech people are prolly less now.....

I do however look forward to more starwars tech however in the NEXT MOVIES! There could be cool stuff for sure!

Heck - as we saw on Tatooine - on the far reaches of the galaxy tech is old / salvaged and traded over and over......

Would like to see the Falcon re-fitted now for sure - get that next gen of starwars in there!

Oh and as for the storm trooper with the staff that could stop the light saber - we saw those before in the Episode I-III I think - some bad guy had some....


R. B.

Re: Galatic stagnation

You said it exactly.

As for: "Major warships are now built to last decades. There's no reason to believe that spaceships will be any different."

I would say that tech in the old republic and this "new" post Empire era would be built to last century's or millennium ('s) - think about it - this is a "long long time ago in a....." - So a super advanced and old society really - Tech may have reached the "accelerating change" peak or flat line on its own bell curve. Think of Moore's law I guess.

So, no tech is not advancing that fast - a big ole war happened, the empire got its butt kicked - funds and tech people are prolly less now.....

I do however look forward to more starwars tech however in the NEXT MOVIES!

Heck - as we saw on Tatooine - on the far reaches of the galaxy tech is old / salvaged and traded over and over......

Would like to see the Falcon re-fitted now for sure - get that next gen of starwars in there!

Oops - SF prosecutors put city passwords on public record

R. B.
Dead Vulture

What a bunch of dweebs!!

I don't really blame this guy - LOOK WHAT SF DID !!! put the user names and passwords on PUBLIC records?!!?!? What a bunch of dweebs!!!

I guess that this guys fear of the SF city not using the info correctly - was right!!!!

I mean come on - how many of those passwords where even changed after they where on public record? Not many of them, and if so - not changed very much!!

If the darn city can not keep themselves from publishing the info - how are they going to store them? Whom else now has access? - DUH people!

Remember that the "the four most-used passwords are: love, sex, secret, and..." - Hackers - the movie ( thanks IMDB)