"Personally I would have notched another arrow."
That's nocked, damnit. Nocked. You don't want notches in your arrow, and the thing on the end of the arrow that goes over the string is called a nock.
157 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Jul 2008
They need to go back to the source of the idea of bimodality in CS ability (http://www.eis.mdx.ac.uk/research/PhDArea/saeed/paper1.pdf)
"The camel has two humps" was a paper which seemed to show a bimodal distribution of ABILITY in people BEGINNING a CS course. The grades weren't the criteria, rather a test of ability given to people who had not as yet attended a CS course.
I don't know what part of Germany you were in, but that description doesn't match anywhere around here.
I HATE driving on the autobahn here. Full of dipshits who think 200KPH is slow.
I much prefer the french toll roads. Limited to 130kph, and people drive like civilized human beings.
The contrast when returning home from a trip to France was shocking. The last hour home through Germany was more tiring than the entire trip up through France from Frejus (between St. Tropez and Cannes.)
Fuck off and die, and take the marketers with you.
I have no interest in being tracked in any way, shape, or form when reading PDFs or eBooks.
I give not the slightest of fucks for your poor marketers who have no data to work from.
Looks like I'll be making more use of alternative PDF and eBook readers.
Before we start trying to make the damn things "social," why don't we try not making them dumber than shit?
Where I live, we have a lot of smaller roads and a few highways.
You can get anywhere you need to go by travelling the highway then turning off onto one of the smaller roads for a mile or two.
The stupid machines route everyone through the smaller roads, and it takes twice as long to get anywhere. People who come to visit think you live in the farthest corner of a big forest because they spent an hour dodging bambis and wild on little roads so narrow they only have one lane shared in both directions (single lane, no dividing line, drivers have to cooperatively share that lane when to cars coming from different directions meet.)
Care to guess how this happens?
The major highways all have speed limits in the map databases, so that areas where you have to drive slower are known. The databases don't have that information for smaller highways, so the stupid machines assume that you can drive the maximum speed for that type of highway - which is always higher than the average that the machine can figure for the major highways in its database.
So, the damn things send you through the backwood because they think you can maintain 100kmh on a winding, single lane country road instead of sending you down the major highway where you can only average 90kmh.
Stupid machines.
Germany has a lot of laws protecting the workers that make it hard to hire and fire temporary workers. The point of those laws is to prevent employment fluctuation so that you don't have people continuosly switching from employed to drawing unemployment pay and back again and again.
QUOTE J Bourne:
"But what you forget is this: those customer's without loyalty cards don't pay a lower price for the same goods that I buy. They just get the goods, I get the goods plus a percentage of my spend back to spend again. Effectively giving me a lower price (yes, I take the monetary value of my points once a year at the checkout) I effectively get a free large weekly shop once a year. All the non-card holders help to subsidise that."
Which pisses me off no end. I am penalized for keeping my private information private, and the penalty I pay goes to twats like you.
Certainly I could be wrong. The chances are MUCH higher, though, that all the believers are wrong.
Given the number of different belief systems that all claim to be the one and only absolute truth, nearly all of those systems have to be wrong. Given the impossibility of finding the only one that is the absolute truth, the only reasonable thing to do is to reject them all until undeniable, repeatable, irrefutable facts prove one to be correct.
I'm not holding my breath while I wait for that proof.
QUOTE: "Wrong. Atheism is about a desperate need to believe there is no god. They have no evidence. Nor are they open minded enough to allow for the possibility. But they need to believe that there isn't one."
Wrong. Atheism is about looking at the evidence for god (or gods or godesses,) and determining that the evidence for them is about as good as the evidence for that invisible pink unicorn you keep in the invisible box in your garage.
I don't believe in god ( or gods or goddesses) because the evidence sucks. Since it sucks so bad, I'm don't feel any need to believe it.
I don't know if there is a god, but the evidence to date looks like this:
1. Lots of people REALLY want to believe in one.
2. The evidence that there is one is so poor that belief in anything based on it can only be termed an act of desperation.
3. Lots of people believe in lots of different gods ( and goddesses,) and most of these believe that there can only be one true god and/or that people who believe differently are wrong or deluded.
With those points taken together, I can only come to the conclusion that all people who believe in god are wrong or deluded.
And how well did the bans on those things work? Not well at all.
Birth control and abortions were available despite bans - the bans have been lifted.
Gay marriage? The homesexual folks lived together and loved one another anyway - the bans have been/are being lifted.
Bans on guns don't work well - everyone yells for more bans.
Yeah, like Europe.
That did a spiffing job of stopping the attacks in Paris, didn't it?
All European countries have stricter gun laws than the US. The criminals in the Paris attacks actually bought their guns from Germany, which has some of the strictest gun laws.
I am so *tired* of the Europen "holier than thou" attitude towards guns. Despite the restrictions, criminals don't have any trouble getting guns when they want them. All the laws do is make hard for a law abiding citizen to own a gun.
Most nearly *anything* can be used as a weapon, and I am *very* glad that the terrorists haven't gotten around to realizing that.
Certainly you can secure your home against unwanted entry, and the police have to have a warrent to search it.
The analogy to cryptography falls apart, though, because the police have to have a warrant and they still have to come in the door to get in your house.
In the case of cryptography, they are basically saying that every house has to have an additional entrance with a master key. The master key is only supposed to be in the hands of those with auhorization, but how long do you think the master key will stay there? I estimate the master keys will stay in authorized hands for approximately 0.01 milliseconds, thereafter every no-good sumbitch on the planet will have a copy and be making plans to make mose effective use of said keys.
So, no back doors in encrypted systems - EVER.
Problem is clear:
The post is from august 2013 asking for help in resolving a problem with a versiob of GrSecurity from August 2012 - out of date software. The post is asking for help in porting a fix from the current version back to the older one. The post is from Wind River (subsidiary of Intel.)
That fits all the known facts. Using an old version of GRsecurity in an embedded Linux kernel and backporting changes from newer version, multi billion dollar company.
"there's plenty of people willing to see ads, plenty willing to sell them, only a few who can intermediate between the two."
No. There's plenty of people able to see ads, but in comparison very few people willing to see ads.
Seriously. Does anyone really believe that people visit web sites, read magazines, or watch TV with the intent to watch the ads. Really? "Oh, I watched a truly marvelous series of ads last night on the TV. Such a pity they kept being interrupted by that damn movie."
Or, at least, I can.
One of these days I've got to finally buckle down and build an AGC box to put at the input to the amplifier.
I do NOT appreciate having to crank up the volume to hear the dialog only to have the windows in the living room shatter when some clown on screen farts.
Yeah, 'cause they're doing such a bang up job of catching the terrorists now with the existing crypto. Can you point to a single incident where breaking an encrypted communication actually stopped an attack? No? Didn't think so.
The security agencies these days are damned for not doing their jobs. They spy on the innocent and let the evil continue because they're drown in the flood of useless data gleaned from the communications of the innocent.