* Posts by fred scuttle

15 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Jul 2008

Google fear? BCS shrinks away from Tories

fred scuttle


Hey Lee - your £92 quid only gets you through the front door but does not make you a member (MBCS) - To do that you need to spend a lot of time and money passing the ITIL Foundation, then the Service Support and Service Delivery Manager exams. When you have done this you can add circa around 10k to your salary.................. but then for your £92 you could also subscribe to twat monthly instead......... Try learning about what you talk about beforehand.... otherwise you look like a pointless, opinionated random vox pop shyster from the street if you don't!

TfL cans mobiles on the tube plan

fred scuttle
Paris Hilton

Oops... sub heading has displayed f word!

It's a welcome sight to see the '*' replaced by the actual letter 'u'

Well funny ;-)

Paris because she knows the word in question better than most!

Gov launches 'Healthy Bees' plan

fred scuttle
Paris Hilton

'Bee'n reading about this for years....... doh!

Why is it that I've been reading about this for the past 2 years and only now has the blessed governmanet decided to do something about it??

The whole world is going to wake up to one with little food and a lot of hindsight.......... and we pay our taxes to keep these muppets in office.............. enough said!!

Paris, because she knows if it's dead by the smell................

Beeb borrows copyrighted Flickr image

fred scuttle
Paris Hilton

Will you lot get a life - BBC uses image......

man whinges & gets paid £75 - BBC won't use image again......... end of..............


because its not only Paris that can make something so small get so big!

BBC pumps 60 quid a head into Gaelic

fred scuttle
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Why the hell am I funding this?????

Oh great!! - another BBC initiative - I have to fund Scotland again (not only free University places et al) with the launch of a bloody BBC channel devoted to about 1/2 a dozen people that may just watch it's benign content.......... i'm all for political correctness so where is the equally needed BBC Gay and Lesbian channel, or the BBC 'I've got one leg and need a voice' channel???? Is it me or has this British Isles gone absolutely bonkers......... with a scottish PM, a Scottish Chancellor and what next..... I'm moving to Scotland........ it beats being English in England that's for sure......... Jeeeezzz........

fred scuttle
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I'm fed up with funding the Sweaty Socks!!!!

Enough said...........................

Led Zeppelin plan Plant-free tour

fred scuttle

@ Evil Graham - how come they need the money?

Like you say, their records are all in stock - because excellent as they undoubtabley are not enough people / new fans are actually buying them with hard cash, but truck loads are d/l'ing them for nothing.

The only way to make solid cash in the music industry is to tour nowadays (with the obligatary new album & licensing / kick-back deals)...... pretty soon we'll have Elvis on tour with Buddy Holly & Crickets doing the backing (accompanied by Glen Miller in the interval) - Well I wouldn't be surprised for one.............

fred scuttle
Paris Hilton

Stairway to Greed

Plant doesn't need the cash, the others do - should be interesting to see the totally jumped up ticket prices for this pseudo show...........

Paris, coz she'll do anything for a quick buck too!

Bang&Olufsen slices 300 jobs

fred scuttle
Paris Hilton

It's all in the name......

"Seen-it..................bang" ................ Barry Scott eat your heart out!!!

Paris - coz she appreciates the value of a great Bang ;-)

Meat Loaf gets Q gong

fred scuttle
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Yer can't shag em to meaty!!

I remember back in the good old days when I used to court girls in the good old ways of yonder days - the only trouble was that when Sir Meaty was playing the build up to the chorus it usually took about 15 minutes and when that amount of time had elapsed both the lady in question and the 'old fella' had lost interest - we didn't have them new fangled blue pills in them days!! - So to hell with Meaty, to hell with his crap time munching, celery wilting ballads.........

Back of the net.................. I'll get my meat-less coat..........

EU slaughterhouses may get animal welfare officers

fred scuttle

Halal - why in Britain???????

If we have a law stating how animals should be slaughtered here in Britain do we have a complete double standard - come on UK Gov........ the law is THE LAW - FULL STOP!!

If I have a goat and slit its throat before stunning it (in my back garden) I'm getting locked up by the RSPCA............ why is this different if I have religous beliefs then?????????

Mines the coat with the star of Jedi ...................... (in total disbelief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Commodore launches little laptop

fred scuttle

If it could run my 'Blue Meanies' cartridge I'd be sold!!

Flogged the Vic 20 on tatBay years ago - big mistake..........Nuff said...

Mines the one with the cream and beige pockets!!!

'World's largest TV' sports super HD resolution

fred scuttle
Paris Hilton

Paris has eye problems with fancy TV's

Hmmmmmmmmm. Moores Law and all that - just wait for the fantastic looking, ultralslim, UUUUUHD analog version - only £500 from Argos (in the next 18 months!).............. jeeezzz, do they think we are so bloody blind............

Paris, because she can't see UHD as her eyes have a gloopy sort of residue on them!

Hijacking huge chunks of the internet - a new How To

fred scuttle

can't do withowt t'internet

hope they don't manage to do this - i've only just learnt to turn t'lights off being a northerner................. if i haven't got t'internet now my kids most likely will starve............ mines the one with the co-op shop apron!

Cannibal's legal objection hamstrings German horror film

fred scuttle
Paris Hilton

Smashing - can't cook won't cook

I suppose Cock-au-vin is out of the question now in case I upset his IPR!!!!!!!!!


Paris Hilton

Paris, coz she's had a cock-a-too!!