There are hundreds of Vodaphone customers in NZ? I didn't think they'd learnt to bang rocks together yet.
Mine's the one with the boxing kangaroo...
23 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Jul 2008
The e-reader I really want to see reviewed is the entourage edge (I forget how they capitalise it, but you lads are clever enough to find it anyway). Same price as the Kindle DX, with a >9" e-Ink screen, but ALSO with a LCD on the other side, a WaCom touch pad built in, running Android, with decent sound support. What's not to like? But I'd like to hear what you've got to say before I lay down the cold, hard cash.
Why doesn't one of them steal a march on the others and RELEASE THEIR DEVICE OUTSIDE THE US???
Sick to death of UK publications fawning over the bloody Nook - As shiny as it undoubtedly is, YOU CAN'T GET IT HERE SO JUST SHUT UP ABOUT THE WHOLE THING. Yes, Team Register, I'm looking at you. You too, Guardian. Amazon are kind of getting there.
Not to mention the inferiority complex. This so-called 'review' amounts to, "I like it, and it has Empathy... which is crap, but other than that, I like it. Now can we all stop hanging around Ubuntu like a pack of teenage boys around a girl and come try Fedora... please??? <grumble grumble smug Ubuntu bastards grumble>"
Well, I think we all knew how that was going to end. The only question: Will it be the 'terrible accident' in the stair well? Perhaps the 'faulty' freight elevator descending at high speed? Or the three-phase door handles for 'security reasons'? The 'cry for help'... on the way down from the fifth floor window?
No, it's the halon release. A bit last-century, but still a classic.
It only rebooted mid-movie once for me during my 12.5-hour Singapore to London flight. But when my wife made the same trip, the whole thing died about four hours in and didn't come back. An overheating problem on that particular aircraft, apparently.
Yes, the screen is nice a big; yes, the gadgets are fiddly and cool; yes, it still has some bugs to work out.
Paris, 'cos she likes a good workout, too.