wide shagging neighbour
What a bore. MSN who can afford leccy goes green. Wife reverts back to batteries
25 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Jul 2008
Well all IT is done in India and there is little left for us in the UK to do now, apart from formulate debt repayment and exit strategies. I loved PCW and PC mags in general, would not buy them now as 'Programming' well thats not done here, nor is x,y or z.
May as well release 'Popular Aluminium Smelting' or 'Car manufacturer monthly' we have won the race to the bottom, now what?
Most 'Bonus' schemes have targets, have yours risen in a soft market to an untenable level, if so then yes you can get a bonus if you make 10 gazillion dollars, and if you could do that you would not be working here, or have I got that wrong too.
Essentially its all offshore now, like cars and the like, so IT will see a steep decline, and pay cuts, this will filter through to people not buying anything, I for one am re-negotiationg payments with creditors and not buying any UK made items, sticking to the cheapest if i need something.
I realise this will kill the Global Economy, but its dead now anyway is it not?. The economy will ecover when all countries are at their lowest wages whch with UK stagnation and India growth is at the moment 4 years, yep 4 years till India and the UK are on level pegging.
Dont believe it ok then.
Last year your house was worth £200'000 which was $400'000, or 243'000 Euro
This year its worth £170'000 which is $243000 or 180'000 Euro
Your salary is the same
In terms of buying power you just lost over 30% of it.
Now if your country makes things, then this is fine, if its like the UK and the best money to be made is to screw the electorate (Banking, Politics) then not so good.
Whilst the UK is shrinking, India is growing
The uk will shrink again, the currency and your house will be worth less.
At the same time the Indian economy will appreciate and they will get wage rises usually @ 15%
A uk based programmer today is circa £30k and will be as there are no wage rises
An indian based prigrammer who is remote is on circa £15k in todays money
Now if they grow by 10% and we shrink by 4% thats 15% per annum
in 5 years, the circle is squared.
Thats how the wealth of nations works, and CSC and IBM know this, Accenture too (They are based in a tax haven for good reason).
So you will have ajob, and you will have bargaining power, the retail and banking industry will die, it has to before we grow.
We also need to get back to basics, not much point in being a salesman when nobody wants to buy. Also not much point i n moaning about pay when your government allowed Business to dictate where the jobs go, mist companies could close their US and UK operations tomorrow and be no worse off.
In the meantime, im off to watch some Government Ministers clearing their moats of reciepts.
For £44 a month IBM will give its employees a laptop
However the terms are a little more restrictive, loads of great deals abound :)
For the not so thick, most carriers will give you a free whatever you want with a new bundle (WII, LCD,PS3, other....)
Reduced to the same level as making shirts, not what we want our children to do. My friend a 'Washing Machine' engineer makes more than me and I earn a lot as a J2EE Architect.
I have to work 16 hours for my slice and the threat of offshoring is always there, my friend is paid to examine machines in service stations and supermarkets and works 10am to 4pm.
I am taking an OU course on Heating and ventilation engineering and will be leaving my job soon.
I have a 1st class degree and am J2EE certified together with the wholly useless CIPD from the BCS.
Hopefully y'all need to keep warm in the winter :)
If you go titsup, then all the companies that you owe $ to cannot cary that loss forward year on year.
Very interesting imagine evading tax on $20billion as a 'writedown' whilst also charging 'interest' on the capital amount lent that may realise in 2025.
They are all as guilty as each other.
The writing style is uncannily similar to that of our dedicated AIX support, however a sheep transformation would at least be something, as opposed to a lengthy report in abstract f*ckwittian on how they once again forgot all about UUID and Groups.
Mind you i keeps me in a job :)
My doctor is Indian, my IT is Indian, my car parts are made in India, in my shopping centre the drains say 'India' on them (Braehead, just outside next) and the BT people who try sell me Tat are Indian.
Unfortunateley my management and bankers are still British.
Guess which ones work!
So what if this happens its a one off, did they loose close to $ 1000 billion in total this year?
And what can we do about it?
We cant buy cars, we cant enter into the sciences, we cant set up industries and now we cant even sell frikkin houses to each other.
About time we followed that example says I :)