Joe Sixpack vs. Ease of use
in my 20 years in systems and support, it has become obvious to me that the vast majority of Windows users (and most users in general, for Mac, Linux/UNIX, and most other platforms) have absolutely no idea how, why, when or where to change system values in the OS (any version). this is why TweakUI was created, for allegedly easy-to-use Windows, back in the day.
hell, most of them don't even know how to change settings on their mobile phones (much like their VCR/DVD/HDDisc players, that always blink 1200).
for the AC who said that Linux is not user-friendly, you made a completely meaningless statement. our hero, Joe Sixpack (he of the default router subnet, default password, and enabled UPnP), has never seen the admin page of his router, doesn't know it exists, how to use it, or why it matters. he also doesn't know that [insert windows root directory here]\system32\drivers\etc\hosts exists, how to use it, and why, or even what to edit it with (no extension, so Windows will ask what app to open). if you try to explain it to him, he will glaze over in under 5 seconds (i timed it), and will urgently need a beer to revive him.
given any sequence more involved than clicking on icons, 99% of the population is instantly lost (the ones who know enough to be dangerous, are usually the worst). in this respect, UNIX is no different than Windows for the IT-ignorant user (which describes most people): it is black magic, and geeks are its priesthood.
if you're ever sadistically bored sometime, try to explain the mechanics of DNS to non-technical friends, or, better yet, strangers (use the uninterested ones for bonus points), and see if they can edit the hosts settings effectively. the syntax of the hosts file is not user-friendly anyway, it is geek-friendly: /etc/hosts is a UNIX convention, a relic from the original Windows development team's UNIX background, which is why every Mac and Linux/UNIX box has that file, for that same purpose.
ease of use is relative to one's level of expertise. there is a large minority of the population in most industrialized nations, that is still completely ignorant, and even fearful, of computer technology. ease of use of Windows is relative, like ease of use of Mac (better interface anyway), or ease of use of the Linux/UNIX GUIs (there are many, some much easier than others).
personally, i like the AS/400 command line. given admin rights, the damage i can do is about like a UNIX box, but will usually impact the entire company.
PH icon: she is empty and meaningless, like AC's MS-type marketing FUD. happy trails.