* Posts by Filomena

4 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Jul 2008

Facebook convenes privacy 'crisis' meeting


From the continent

And did you know that maybe it's not only the NYT forum and EFF?

European data protection group faults Facebook for privacy setting change


Flanders demands its own top-level domain


regional TLDs

Technically, Flanders (or Scotland for that matter) cannot get a country-code TLD (simply, it's not a country - yet).

Given the precedent of .cat (for Catalunya), both Flanders and Scotland may be able to get a sponsored TLD instead if they meet the criteria of the new ICANN rules and are prepared to pay the registration fees ICANN will extor... ahem ask.

On the personal side, generally I have no sympathy for separatist regions and separate TLDs, but who am I to influence ICANN's processes and policies.

EU plans cross border database of rogue motorists


What's the UKIP comment got to do with the rest of article?

Once again, I don't get the anger against the EU everytime something gets decided in Brussels. Are we able to make a difference between a stupid decision and a reasonable one without assuming it's stupid just because it's "made in Brussels"?

Logically, if it's a cross border problem (and this one is), we need a cross border solution. Then we can comment on the effectiveness of the solution.

If it were a purely UK problem, the smart comment by this UKIP guy would (maybe) make some sense (not too sure, though).

And btw, international calls did get cheaper (whether we think this was an urgent problem to solve, it's another matter).

And, Giovà: "European fines collection"? The infamous EU will not a get a penny (or a eurocent) from the fines. being more British than the Brits ;)

EU, champion of the ringtone downloader



I'm sorry but not everything needs to be turned into a EU-bashing exercise. It gets tiring for the readers.

It's like having an agenda and pursuing it no matter what it's been talked about.

There is a saying in Italian that goes something like: "It's raining. The government is a robber!"

It's perfectly ok to question if the EU is the optimal regulatory level for a certain issue, but then please let's use rational arguments (and there are plenty), but not just the (currently very popular) generic lack of simpathy for the EU.