The comments industry looks a bit tragic and battered. Ever since knocking Apple became a staple of tech writers, they looked for new products from Apple to restore the sense of superiority that only a good rant could give.
Unfortunately re-writing the same comment that has been popular ever since the Graphical User Interface, reached near hysteria with the iMac and climbed a rousing crescendo with the iPhone has now finally led to be the refuge of the sad and the desperately unimaginative.
Since yesterday even the most rampant of commenters must feel a tad sheepish and will find it hard to repeat the same stereotypes again. And again, and again.
Do you remember when commenters dismissed Apple's late entry into the MP3 market? Who would want to use a 'mouse'? Wasn't the iPad just a huge arsed iPhone? Give the money back to the shareholders!
Now all the mocking commenters are imitating each other, the sarcastic tweets all retweeting the same three jokes, even the tech reporting elite second guessing their readers prejudices in ever more desperate attempts to creating the required click-bait that keeps the industry alive.
Meanwhile internet security, congestion, competition – the important matters – none of those things will be fixed with another comment that was already old when the Mac came out.