It's good, but ...
... it's no New Star Soccer. If you're calling Score! the best football game on iOS, I can only presume you've not played NSS.
19 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Jul 2008
And you're accusing the article of bias?
- Size & Weight
Pre is not pocketable? So you rather fit a soap dish than a soap in your pocket? Very much doubt that. Pre wins
I used to have an N95 - quite a lot smaller than the iPhone, but a bit thicker. The iPhone is almost invisible in my pocket in comparison. It makes a huge difference.
- Keyboard
Well you moan here about not being able to rotate the screen. Fair enough. However when you rotate the screen and have the virtual keyboard out how much of the screen is actually visible. Cause when you are viewing a movie you do not use the keyboard. Draw.
When you're watching a film you don't have the keyboard up, so that doesn't make a difference. What does make a difference is the fact that the buttons are not tiny. I have a Treo Pro for work, which has bigger buttons than the Pre, and it's uncomfy to type on. To the extent that if I'm writing a long email, I'll write it on my iPhone and send it to my work account, then forward it on from there.
- Display
iphone has a bigger screen but again it comes down to the soap dish vs soap principle. How many of you take your iphone to the pub and sit down with it being in your pocket? Cause none of my friends who own one can do that. Draw.
Your friends need to get better fitting clothes. I do exactly that, as do many of my friends.
- Phone Operation
The ring tone can be changed. Also you have vibration. Regarding the visual voicemail notifications it does NOT supported by most carriers. How many times have you been roaming where you can use that feature? That is false. I think that the best way to do this is to incorporate both methods. The "old style" is so 20th century? Well aren't all phones using the same style? I wonder is the answer. Pre wins.
I have been roaming with my iPhone quite extensively. Visual voicemail has worked in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Jordan, Iceland, France, Germany, the US, Austria, and even Wales. When it's not working, you get the old style dialing a voicemail number. So it's doing exactly what you suggest: both methods. Unlike the Pre.
I do not like how you do not have much control over synergy. However it is a great way to merge contacts. Universal search can be modified to add new search engines and sites etc. Nothing out there can beat those two features. This is so PC like. Sorry to say this but what kind of "retard" would just search on the word "in" ? What do you expect to get back when you type "in" into Google? =) Pre wins.
The review talks about searching the phone, not the web. You've not actually used an iPhone, have you?
Dearie me.
"Thing that stops me from getting the iphone is the complete inability to sync calendar and contacts with any programs I actually use. No outlook here, no Mac, so much for syncing to the ipod. Yes there are kludges, I eventually got my calendar over via Google and some bridges. Contacts no chance."
Google Contacts Sync works fine on the iPhone - what problem are you having?
The easiest way around this would be for the emulator authors to enable in-app purchasing, so you could buy games to play on the emulator. There's two main issues with that:
1) Finding who owns the rights to the games.
2) Getting people to pay for them, when piracy means people expect them for free.
""Many of the flaws could possibly be exploited to run unauthorized software on a victim's PC" - what happened to the safe out of the box quote these idiots keep going on about?"
If you don't connect it to the Internet, nobody can connect to your computer unauthorised. If you do connect it to the Internet, it automatically updates the security, so nobody can connect to your computer unauthorised. Sounds pretty "safe out of the box" to me.
Not sure what you mean. I've got the same as you - a Shuffle and a Classic. I've got an auto playlist that picks out top rated, non-classical or opera, not listened to for a while songs. My Shuffle's synced to that playlist (which is bigger than the shuffle, so it just picks a random selection). My Classic is synced to the full library. Syncing to playlists is the way forwards.
The demand curve isn't fixed, but instead can shift. So while it's generally true that a change in price will lead to a change in volumes sold, the reverse doesn't necessarily hold. Rather, telecoms operators are quite aware that demand for their services is growing constantly, partially due to lower prices, partially due to network externalities, service combination, and technological progress. Given this constant increase in usage anyway, operators could well find that to profit maximise they would be best served raising their prices.
Of course, this doesn't take into account the fact that wholesale prices are regulated to fall anyway, so of course things will get cheaper ...