* Posts by Tom

279 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Apr 2007


Prince's anti-YouTube crusade halted by American mommy


Die Quietly

It seems the RIAA and MPAA have actually worked out they are merely parasites in the entertainment industry and are struggling to find a way to be useful. Hence the litigation 'on behalf of the creative artists'.

All sing in a squeeky voice:

'Your history, no good to me!'

But only so as no-one else can here as this would be transmission and you could be sued by some industry parasite!

Microsoft pays $240m for tiny sliver of Facebook


Looks like the kiss of death for them?

Thats lost them a lot of clients - all of our LUG and a lot of others I know have closed their accounts as a result.

Becta reports Microsoft to OFT


Why Rob?

Not sure why you've HAD to install a filter. Most colleges seem to set standards for interfacing.

Can you interoperate with OO?

MP warns against Microsoft monopoly in e-gov services


Wrong Road!

Its not just the fact that you can only use a Microsoft car on the road.

The road seems to be built to move money from government coffers to companies and not provide services.

Get paid buckets to write bad software and then get paid to nearly fix it.

Makes dole scroungers look like productive angels.

How do these companies get the contracts and fail again and again?

No one can be that incomptent - it must be corruption at the highest level.

Ballmer: All open source dev should happen on Windows


Lying toerag

If RedHat have your code sue them. You can read the code very easily - if you had any decent programmers you could examine every line in RH and show RH where they violate your IP and then they would say 'oh sorry' and cough up not tell you to take a hike.


a) Balmer is lying through his teeth about IP violations.

b) and/or his company doesnt know how to write/plagiarise/run even simple software any more and has destroyed any company that might be willing to help.

Microsoft punts web-based apps to the masses


people still use office?

Always amuses me to see that people still think formatting text on a computer is somehow automating their office.

Free-market think tank urges EU to unbundle Windows


Re Bob Bobson

There is a market for the £480 pc - but they cost me less £400 and I have to build them myself.

Takes less than an hour.


FM probably wont work either

"Laissez-faire, unlike the free market, is an ideology that doesn't work"

No-ones ever tried the free market. Because it wont work either - everything would eventually belong to one entity.

Monopolies commissions sometimes manage to stop its worst excesses.

The most successful economic policy so far is the one that pretends theres a free market and equality of opportunity so the proles will work hard for someone elses profit.

But dont tell everyone otherwise it wont work...

Start-up sued in US courts over GPL 'violation'


Skirmish before Microsoft battle?

Microsoft will never come out face to face with Linux/GNU -too much to lose. They sponsored SCO and have lost.

They may have sponsored this lot.

You have to ask yourself why a teeny weeny startup wants to go to court when for the price of an hours litigation it can make its code available to everyone.

Or are they really fighting for their principles? i.e. the right for companies to effectively steal other peoples work, work they gladly gave away in the first place.

787 unsafe, claims former Boeing engineer


65% of Americans Anti American?

Thank god its not a democracy or it would have to invade itself!

PC superstore unhinged by Linux


So they want to tell me what software I can run?

Surely the point of a computer is to run software.

I dont see how you can sell someone a computer and then say - 'you can only run these programs on it'.

And what happens to your Windows box when an online update wipes it out?

iPhone software-unlocked, easy-to-use tool to follow


Null Technology

A bit pointless - I thought the idea of buying things like this was to show you didnt care about money and quite liked the idea of being locked in to one supplier. Gives you more time to gloat pointlessly.

Strap-on stealth jetplane for special forces


radar power levels ....

You dont need a lot of power. Just sensitivity.

And these so called stealth things tend to be 'invisible' only to high frequency radar - good old world war II short wave radar picks em up just fine.

Thats why the US only ever attacks countries its sold the weaponry to!

Tycoon abandons £80k Maserati in London car pound


Its cheaper to be towed than park!

Should I ever have to go to that cess pool again I will drive straight to the pound and leave my car there

Europe finally granted Xbox price cut


Does it come with pre-paid jiffy bags?

If it came with about 20 pre-paid jiffy bags so it didnt cost more in postage than games to keep it going it might get onto my list of possible games machines.

Microsoft launches PC-rebuilding scheme


So Linux is scaring them a lot

I guess the last thing they want is their major competitors operating system installed and running smoothly and efficiently on old machines showing what a non-improvement their latest offering is!

How to watch TV on your PC


Dont use Vista....

Readers should be aware that Vista will not allow you to watch HD tv at full resolution - the DRM sytem will reduce it to something lower

Same for Digital Radio.


so use XP, MAC or Linux...

Is more bandwidth really the answer?


Parkinsons Law!

Basically people will send more and more rubbish until the bandwith is taken up and then upgrade again.

Many years ago we could download several hundred text orders down a 14.4 modem in an hour.

Now we get a few hundred bloated word documents that cannot be automatically parsed....Less orders higher cost of processing.

Also remember a picture may be worth a thousand words.

Shame it tends to take up several megs.....

Facebook in court over IP theft allegations


We're all doomed...

If theres anything actually innovative in Facebook - or any of the other networking sites then we're all doomed I tell you!

US wants trucks mounted with frikkin' laser beams


Multilayer defence

Perhaps lots of optical coatings would provide some defence to your attack.

Will we now get stealth shells. If they cant detect them they cant hit them - and at least they'd be small enough to avoid being detected by shortwave radar like stealth bombers.

There really is no such thing as progress in war. Lots more money for companies tho!

OLPC czar shames Intel into board seat


Dangerous move...

The last thing Intel want is for the OLPC to succeed - can you imagine what will happen when its discovered that you dont need high powered chips running bloated operating systems to do useful computing.

Showdown persists over '100% undetectable' rootkit


M$ will not virtualise Vista

Theres no reason to buy Vista - unless its to play DRM protected things that will only run on Vista.

Run it in a VM and theres no DRM.

Its not going to happen if they can find a way of stopping it.

UK gov fights public spending website


They may have a centralised system

But they'd still have to spend billions finding people who cant program to save their lives to bid for the contract. Or at least thats the way they seem to work...

Google Desktop finds Linux at last


makes you wonder

It makes me wonder why, after nearly thirty years of personal computing, we have to have something to search our systems for what we typed in a few days ago!

The fact that we use similar things on an enterprise scale makes me wonder what we've been using computers for.

Open sourcers rattle EU sabre at BBC on demand player


Why bother with the DRM

The DRM will only make it a pain for the 'lawabiding' and ignorant.

I can now buy a hard drive and a tv card for my pc for less than the price of a M$ install that will allow me to record everything I might like to watch on the BBC for a year - that way I will be able to watch things I've paid for when I want - and in higher quality than the MeMeMePlayer will offer.

Dutch students brew up powdered alcohol hit


Jeffrey Bernard

"no self-respecting journo would drink anything tasting of lime unless he or she was truly under the cosh"

Vodka, Lime and Soda - offical name a 'Jeffrey Bernard'

Do at least a little research please!

MP's son guilty of VAT carousel fraud


Ignore the party...

Its not a party thing - it seems to be politicians in general...

Microsoft puts a figure on open source 'patent infringements'


Running scared

Its like watching the school bully cornered in the playground.

"I'm gonna beat you all up"

Go on then - we know your just blustering but you dont dare throw a single punch as it would be so limp we'd all laugh and you'd cry!

Microsoft to fork out $180m to Iowa


Happy Days!

So you were ripped off. Ah bless - here's a miniscule discount on the new product - and you'll have to buy a new PC to use them.

Next time you you deal with M$ just send us your bank details.
