I came here to say...
I am waiting for version 5, so ASIMO V.
1458 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Jul 2008
Exactly, why not just say "this is the price of the licence to use this portion of the spectrum" You each get a bit, if you pay up. Avoids the operators "nearly bankrupting" themselves and passing such high costs on to users. Wouldn't that also increase inflation, something Government is not keen on doing (or are mobile phone bills not included in the basket of goods used to calculate inflation figures?)
"Then you inform them that if AFTER hiring, that if a suitably qualified union member with more seniority applies - they will be replaced."
How can this be legal? Once the position has been filled, it's been filled.
And if it's because they have to be a member of the union wouldn't they be required to join when they are taken on?
As you mentioned Euros I guess you are not in the UK.
In the UK in my experience (of my last 2 electricity suppliers) they will happily set up to take the bill amount rather than a fixed monthly amount designed to make it predictable (but which inevitably results in the account building up credit).
Will they not do this where you are? The disadvantage is you don't know the exact monthly amount. The advantage is you only pay the correct amount each month.
I imagine it would depend on whether said payment is for continued provision of that service, ie. a subscription or license or similar.
If so then it's more reasonable to end provision of said service.
If it's only tangentially related then no, you can't just turn it off.
If you didn't pay your car repair man he is allowed to sue you but not to put sugar in your petrol tank!
Since it has inexplicably become usual to refer to an OTA software fix for a car as a "recall" (why not also say "Windows recall Tuesdays"?) you are mistaken about the ability to do a software update in this case.
As the article says, " As this is a software issue, the update has already been pushed out and no further action is required from owners."
Whenever I have tried to use an Iphone I get annoyed that they don't seem to like the concept of a "Back" button in the same way that I am used to from Android.
I can't remember exactly but something like: I am in Contacts...click an email...it goes into email, I send the mail, click Back -- should be able to get back to whence I came, right, which was contacts? Nope, I am stuck in email and the only way out is to go to the home screen and find contacts again.
Or I am in any app, finished, want to back out and the app should disappear...nope, I have to jump to home screen.
So the famed "usability" is just what you're used to. Sadly I come across apps even in Android where the native "back" button is ignored and you can only navigate via buttons provided by the app author. I assume these are ported from ios apps.
The other point is that the passkey is stored on your device and the biometric or PIN is only used to unlock it to sign the message sent to the server. ie. if you use a PIN rather than biometrics, the PIN is of no use to the bad guy unless he/she has your device.
That's if I have understood it correctly. I did wonder what I was missing with the whole "login with a PIN" thing, which just seemed like a less-secure password. But it makes sense in this context.
I am sure a lot of customers* of this kind of thing don't have a clue about how it works, what it does or doesn't connect to, they are just buying a baby monitor.
*Not me, my kids haven't been babies for many years. And I avoid such connected/subscription/spying devices anyway.
Because they want to call it Twitter, which is a much better and well-known name than X, especially as it's pretty much impossible to be taken out of context (whereas "X" could be various things in different contexts), but they feel obliged to mention its real name.
Normally I see it written as "X, formerly Twitter"
The problem with those who seem convinced that they are aliens is that only the poor-quality images remain unexplained. Could it be that they are unexplained due to their poor quality, rather than because they are unexplainable by Earthly standards? Seems likely to me.
Similar to photos of Bigfoot, Nessie, etc.
Since almost everyone does have a decent-quality camera on them most of the time now, it's strange how there are NO clear and unambiguous images of such things.