The biggest loser...
... is, once again, the British Taxpayer.
44 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Jul 2008
As parliamentary debates are all recorded in Hansard and are thus publicly available, trying to stop the MSM reporting on them is somewhat absurd. Has the Master of the Rolls forgotten what happened when Carter-Ruck tried their hand at that one regarding a parliamentary question about Trafigura?
"Everyone affected has been reimbursed, HMRC said."
Sorry HMRC but reimbursed is not the word you are looking for here as you were not paying back or refunding any money.
On the matter of the sackings could HMRC say how many people were sacked for overpaying benefits to people? I'm almost willing to put money down that the answer is zero.
Actually you are not obliged by law to carry your driving licence with you at all times when driving. The Police are entitled to ask to see your licence at any time and if you do not have it immediately, you will be ordered to produce it to a Police Station within 7 days. Failing to produce within that period of time is an offence.
Wrong. It is the quality of teaching below university that needs to be looked at. If someone can't produce a properly structured piece of work by the time they leave compulsory education then something has gone wrong. How did they they manage to get through English Language or Literature essays without being able to organise them properly? Or write a proper report after a science experiment?
Universities (and sixth forms) are not there to remedy a lack of basic skills in people who didn't pick them at school. That's what adult education colleges are for.
...I used Interflora to send some flowers to my mother for her birthday (a few days after Mothering Sunday) and after the delivery was fluffed I have to say that their customer service was appalling. I eventually got them to send a replacement (and got myself a complete refund) but I shall be writing a strongly worded email to them this weekend detailing their failures.
... that the law of possession is an ass - something that should surely be obvious to anyone with the ability to think rationally . Simply possessing an image such as this should not lead to someone being branded a pervert or guiltly of an unprovable thought crime regardless of what irrational, emotional muppets think.
Nice to see the combined headless chickens of the tabloid press and politicians off on a new threat to the kiddies that has only ever been heard about from some anonymous sources on the internet that, because they are on the 'tubes, simply *have* to be true.
If they want some more ideas then Cracked ( has a few more they can borrow (Rainbow Parties come in at #5 on that list and I believe #1 has already been dealt with in depth).
... has resulted in some knowledge transfer.
@Rod MacLean
I believe the one you are referring to is "The Tenth Planet" which was the last of William Hartnell's stories. Last I heard the first three episodes survive but the only remaining bit of the concluding episode is a clip of the regeneration scene.
@AC 12:40
That would be Jon Pertwee''s final story entitled (appropriately enough) "The Planet of the Spiders"
25 years ago our elected government failed to notify a small, unelected group of people after passing a law and because they didn't do this said law is unenforceable.
Does anyone still believe that the UK is a sovereign country with the right to pass its own laws without interference from others?
I know a number of people who probably like to meet you and point out precisely where you are going wrong in calling GRS 'cosmetic surgery'.
However for those that like to let the Daily Mail (or other tabloid papers) do their thinking for them it is worth noting that it is bloody difficult to obtain funding for it on the NHS even after those seeking it have jumped through all of the hoops placed in front of them whilst continuing to work and pay their taxes in order to fund our 'universal' health system.
... about a tosser who disengaged their brain as soon as they engaged their sat-nav. Though given his choice of car and the fact that he uses his sat-nav extensively for his job then I'd say the brain shut down is probably irreversible by now.
Hopefully the cost of recovering his car will be extracted from him rather then the local tax payers having to cough up for his stupidity
Look a little harder at the list and you'll find the following:
R. Murdoch: 132nd, 4Bil
D. Rockefeller Snr: 305th, 2.2Bil
Also remember that these lists are complied from publicly available information - share holdings, remuneration etc so will not include privately held fortunes in whatever is left of the baking sector/under the mattress.
I see my boss is still on the list though even if he does only make the bottom fifth.
Just what we need... miss a lecture due to a hangover and the black helicopters are all over you. One way to keep students out of the bar I suppose.
Though if my former university (Southampton) is anything to go by then the lecturers won't have a clue as to who is supposed to be in their lectures anyway.
A size 20 top uses more material than a size 10 top (or, for the male readership, a XL t-shirt is bigger than a M) but it all costs the same. Why then should a different argument apply with regards to bras for those who have a larger bust?
Though as my cup size isn't large enough to qualify for such discriminatory measures...