Eh. My Keepass lives in the cloud, uber convenient, and my master password is in the "billions of years" class to crack. Any one of the devices Keepass is synced to could fall into the wrong hands anyway, and I assume the cloud provider with a team of top notch security people are better at it than me.
Posts by GFK1
19 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Jul 2008
You can never have too many backups. Also, you can never have too many backups
Intel details advances to make upcoming chips faster, less costly
Massive cyberattack takes Ukraine military, big bank websites offline
Facebook apologizes to users, businesses for Apple’s monstrous efforts to protect its customers' privacy
BOFH: Darn Windows 7. It's totally why we need a £1k graphics card for a business computer
So you locked your backups away for years, huh? Allow me to introduce my colleagues, Brute, Force and Ignorance
BOFH: You brought nothing to the party but a six-pack of regret
South Africans shivering in the dark after file-scrambling nasty hits Johannesburg power biz
Firm fat-fingered G Suite and deleted its data, so it escalated its support ticket to a lawsuit
Hacker takes down CEO wire transfer scammers, sends their Win 10 creds to the cops
Hoist by their own Petards
It boggles the mind that these companies have such poor checks and balances that millions - MILLIONS! - can be sent out without any decent verification. A phone call to a secretary should not be all it involves. It's just plain incompetence.
And the vey CFOs who should be making sure those systems are in place are he ones being hoist by their own petards. There's a certain delightful irony to it - I wouldn't want to be in their shoes after one of these transfers.
Robots. Machine learnin', 3D-printin' AI robots: They'll take our jobs – Davos
Squeeze the banana to log into this office Wi-Fi
How to choose the right screen size

Yes, they are. Suspect you're confusing vertical lines with vertical resolution, not at all the same thing. DVD's are mpeg2 encoded at either 720x576 or 720x486 generally. I can also assure you those resolutions were in very common use in broadcast behind the scenes well before DVD came along. Google "D-1 sony" if you don't believe me.