* Posts by Shalroth

4 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jul 2008

Note to Captain Kirk: Warp speed will kill you


Warp drive

The ship never actually travels at relativistic speeds. While space is being warped, the ship uses its standard, newtonian-physics based impulse engines to move. This is why phasers can be fired at warp - because the ship isn't actually travelling faster than light, it just reaches its destination in a period of time that suggests it were.

Hitachi UT32MH70 32in LCD TV



...many LCD and plasma TVs (and set-top boxes) have RS232 ports. It's often a service port for programming, disagnostics and updating firmware.

Web palmtop offers life-time no-limits mobile surfing for £60


Nice idea...

...but the hardware is terrible. The web access works well enough, but that horrible PASSIVE matrix screen looks worse than the old Jornadas.

The iPhone 2.0 update - don't do it, kids


I'm desperate...

...to buy the 2.0 software for my Touch, but have been unable since I started trying at around 18:30BST. At first I got 'iTunes music store not available' or the wonderfully vague '-4' errors, but now they've given up even telling me there's a problem.

It's almost like they don't want me to spend the £10 store credit I got from KRCS over a bodged AppleCare repair on my G5 iMac...