* Posts by Ioannis Mavroukakis

6 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jul 2008

John Lewis flogs first 3D TV

Ioannis Mavroukakis

Biz consultant my sphincter

biz consultant eh? Wouldn't want to be consulted on anything by him then..more money than sense obviously.

King of the geeks leaves Oracle

Ioannis Mavroukakis

Troll alert

Bitter, much?

David Atherton on football, why mags beat Google, and what he's doing next

Ioannis Mavroukakis

A monkey is more honest

“I know its an honest firm and does things properly. When we failed it was invariably the carriers fault, or the suppliers fault. It was very rarely our fault.”

What utter bollocks. My Acer laptop came with a laughable 6 month battery warranty, and Dabs employees tried to convince me it was covered for an even more laughable 3 months..Honest my arse.

IFPI wants another stab at OiNK

Ioannis Mavroukakis


"Speaking at a press conference to launch the IFPI's annual Digital Music Report, Kennedy called the verdict a "terrible disappointment" and indicated that UK legislation is "out of touch with where life is these days," according to The Guardian."

Pot.Meet Kettle.

Sore loser :)

NASA's CO2-scan sat set to launch

Ioannis Mavroukakis
Black Helicopters

Too bad...

it failed :-) Coincidence? I think not :-)

The iPhone 2.0 update - don't do it, kids

Ioannis Mavroukakis

Too **** late

I wonder what flavour of crack they are smoking..48 hours indeed!!! Are they going to refund me for 48 hours worth of lost service?? Not bloody likely!!